Saturday, June 29, 2013
300 Tweets
Three hundred Tweets? Get a life aye? This Guy aint got nothin' better to do with His time? Nah, I aint. A born Loser to start with. All I can do is complain I guess, seein' as how Nobody is going to help Me out. Well next month is the class reunion, if Bill Rowley attempts to reconcile He may just die on the spot. I will not have this Boy try to lie to Me, not for a second. I told You about the Football game in Rock Springs Wyoming and the fight in Virginia, I don't remember but parts of them. I truly am a dangerous Person People, but only to those that insist on messing with My life. I have stated numerous times that I am angered enough to commit murder, but that seems to be blown off. How many times has some Fool cried out on the internet only for it to be brought up later after He killed Someone? Ridiculousness! If I were to say these Muslims are Demons, I could be prosecuted? But this is ignored? Holy Crap! What the Devil is this Obama up too? I feel We are under siege at this moment, They are attempting, and succeeding apparently, to break Our financial back. The saying, "Life will never be the same.", comes to mind here. I love America, but I would like it a whole lot better if a lot of the Bull Crap We have to live with was gotten rid of. But Hey, I'm just one Human, if it were possible to change the World for the better with the stroke of a pen, then I'll take the chance. "I'm only one Man.", "One Man Everybody knows.", "Children do this.", "This Child.", "I'm a Kid too.", "That Man's a Kid.", "The Kid's a Man.", "This old Boy grew.", chance taken, Kelly.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
What the Fuck Chuck?
Alright! Let's get ready to Rock!..........Well? Go ahead, I know You got it in Ya. In reality I feel it irresponsible to publish music like 2112 from Rush. An impressionable Kid and Hard Drugs mixed in with songs that tell You, "We've taken care of everything, the words You hear the songs You sing, a Victim of this Brotherhood of Man.", is definitely suggestive. People come in many forms, as You know, and when People see a Dummy They tend to Bully Them, or it might just be Me and Nobody else, I really wouldn't know, I just know what My life has consisted of. It's amazing when I look at it, HOLY SHIT! I can say about many areas lingering in My past, shivers? I can truly almost feel them now. You know what I think is bogus? A Woman says She once said something racial and They fire Her? Hell if that's what it takes to get the attention of Our Law is to call Obama a Nigger? Well so be it. Hell, I heard the election was Nigger rigged anyhow, these Gufy Fucks do what ever They want any ways. I might be Stupid, but I aint Dumb. Dammit all to Hell anywho. Bah! What a Loser! I sure wish I could change that, I'd love to be able to afford to Golf a lot, both Disk (Frisbee) and Ball Golf. I'll give You a real tip on Golfing Folks, take lessons. No Bull Corn either. Noal Moon played the Senior tour, I took three lessons from Him in Lodi California. David Ledbetter will get Ya lined out pretty close with His book too. So keep it in the Fairway, and putt straight, Kelly.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Kinda Blahzay huh?
Well today I just want to recap. I was a Dumb Kid. I was befriended by some Crooks named Bill Rowley and Richard Pattison. These Boys set Me up with Drugs and Rock & Roll. I wandered around Austin Texas for a spell before I decided to crash a party at the Marriott hotel. A week later I was contacted about that party, via My own Playboy. On both evenings, the night of the party and being contacted, I was basted on L.S.D. without any knowledge that these Acid trips were actually setup for Me. I really thought I was bound to be a Rock Star after all of this crap. I met and broke the heart of a young Woman in Austin, this left Me devastated beyond what regular minds can comprehend. I have witnessed where I am being messed with on Television. I have went out of My way to find justice, with no prevail. And I write this silly ass shit about the whole mess. I think that covers quite a bit for You. Wow! It's hard to believe that I'm still trying. When I first got the idea to write My life story I felt so sure I would succeed, I knew it would work. That was in 2002, I tried everything I could think of too. I went to Santa Monica California and went to the Playboy west studios to find Someone to talk to, no luck there. Literary Agents were no help either. I guess I'm just destined to be a lonely loser I see. That should say it all, C-Ya 'round, Kelly.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Monday Monday
Yep, it's Monday alright. Today? What to say? Well I aint got a clue. All through the day I'll think of things to say but when I sit down to do so, blank. All I have to say is this, a few weeks from now I am sure I will run into this Boy Rowley. I await His challenge. I really hope He does so too, I'll step it up for His sorry ass. Have a great day Folks, Kelly.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Whatever is more'n likely what most Youngsters say when They hear about this Fool spilling His gutts in order to get help. I hear We're being monitored on the internet, well I figured such. But still I rant and rave and nothing gets done. Richard Pattison messed His mind up...He's cool. That Fucker is more then likely paying some Punk ass Politician off to keep this out of the courts. Well at least I do have People reading this crap, I push on I say to those. "That's all part of growing up.", "Don't smile when You say that.", "You call Yourself a Man?", and My own, I wasn't Man enough to hold Her in My arms. Hey Nancy is a real Person, right after I met Her and She shocked the piss out a this Child standing in front of Her I remembered another one, "The kind of Person You feel like You've known all of your life.", no shit I felt that. Again with the Playboy I say, forgive the rambling onto different subjects, I write what I think needs to be said, I have said before that it sounds made up, right "Everything You read on the internet is true.", and that is a good looking Woman in that commercial too, great Actress I see, where's Her role in a comedy somewhere, if I were a Producer I'd be lookin' that gal up She's a Star, but back to the Playboy, I cannot persist enough on it being a real item in My life. I sit here and say this and check Myself it is so unusual, a Fella has to keep an eye on Himself. If I would have known that when it all started I know I would have chosen another path in life, I was a pretty slow Kid if Ya aint caught that by now, hell I jumped on top of Sheila Ya know. Speaking of Sheila, I said before I would go to Her Brothers memorial here in town, but I could not go last night. They are trying to raise some $52,000. for a memorial. It will reflect more on all fallen Soldiers Kevin being the main reason for it. I have been paying $100. a week on My truck so moneys real tight, I couldn't afford the $25. to go really. Plus I figure it may be inappropriate if She was there, last time I saw Her She had love in Her eyes, I did the same thing I did the first time I saw Her too, I ignored Her. I saw a little Girl and refused to be a part of it all, what a dipshit. I hurt like Hell for that Kid. I play no game when I say to You young Folks, DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN GET HIT IN THE GODDAMN HEAD AS AN INFANT,,,IT WILL FUCK THEM UP FOR LIFE....I AM A VERY SLOW PERSON ADN MY FREINDS TOOK ANVANTAGE OF THIS AND MADE ME A NEAR VEGATABLE IN REALITY. Good night to You, and so long, Kelly McGill.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sick of this shit !
Yea I am sick of it, but again what can I do? I got a few things to say today, like, "Phony Son of a Bitch.", that is one saying I refuse to say, it's immature Folks, and it really doesn't sound all that bright either. "I don't claim to be something I'm not.", is more to My taste. You know, People in America actually think Their Grown Adults while the whole time Their just small Children. Not all of Them though, I see a few around now and then that have the Grown feelings. I happened to sit next to a Man the other morning at the Trailhead here in town, He spilled His water on Me and then said, "95 and still a Kid.", He sure as Hell didn't feel like a Snot Nosed Kid. It really irritates the Hell out of Me when some Kid quite a few years younger than Myself tells Me He's a Man, "Stop lying to Yourself.", might help Them out a bit, but I doubt it. Wet behind the ears still is what They are to Me. I don't mean to insult Your intelligence here by telling You such a thing, I just hope it gets the point across to a handful of those that have yet to open Their minds to the real Grown Men and Women. "It takes years to become Grown.", may just push the right buttons for Someone that needs to hear it. We have a whole bunch of spoiled Brats here that need a quick changing , and that is a fact. It's sad to see a War going on, I don't think most of Us realize how close We are to all out War in America. People are emptying shelves of ammunition daily, it is even tough to find twenty two shells I hear. Wake up People, there are infiltrators in this Country that will not just go away. I have heard that Wars start due to People talking about it, after a while You're killing People. I this in order to make some of You out there understand what is actually going on here in the grand old U.S.A., They are not just saying that You will not take Their guns away. Obama? You know I have met Mexican pot runners that spoke such perfect English it was obvious, Hell I can sound Russian if I wanted to. He seems anti American in My view. But Hey I'm just some dopey Kid Myself, what the heck do I know? C-Ya in the funny papers aye, Kelly.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Go Spurs!
I am definitely routing for the San Antonio Spurs to beat the Heat. Happy Fathers day to those that were Man enough to stand Their ground, Me? You already knew that answer. I want to write a song titled, "An unhappy Fathers day.", You may see what I mean. People always ask Me if I have Kids, it's not a good feeling when They look at You funny when You say no either. I wish just once all You so-called nice People that say shit out loud and insist on pushing some lonely Fella could feel what it is like to be the Loser. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE PEOPLE!!! Under fucking stand that for a second. I see it all the time where some Jerk thinks it's cute to say something knowing He can get away with it because You're the type that walks away from fighting. There is a reason, not an excuse, for doing so, I have put People in the hospital before Folks. It's like a Friend of Mine said to Me, He doesn't like fighting due to the fact that He can really hurt Someone. It is part of maturity, being a Man about certain things. Now if a Guy beats up on a Girl, or Woman, He will be dealt with. Fear is not the issue here, when the time comes I don't even think about it I just react. Kids think it's fun to go out and find somebody to beat up, Boy You're going to run into some Guy that has had enough of that shit to fill a stadium. I do intend though to take care of some people I know, a fighting offence has taken place and I will not let Them get away with it. I hope to fuck this piece of shit Bill Rowley approaches Me about this, I am getting excited thinking about it, We're talking just a few weeks away from now. Along time coming is the saying. Another thing that really pisses a Guy like Me off is when You smile about Him. The old saying goes, "Just smile about it'", is not wise Folks. Do Me a favor and visualize Yourself being mad about Somebody doing something that ticks You off, now see Them thinking it's cute. "I'll wipe that smile off Your face!", says it all. Oh yea, Bill? Fuck You You piece of dirt. And yes Bill I want You so bad I can't fucking stand it Pal. Kelly John McGill.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Ya this is a boring as it gets, but what can a Guy do? Commit murder? I really don't want to end My own life, which is what I know I would do if I were to kill one of these Sleezeballs. I have options in life, an Inventor I know I would be good at. I have come up with things I feel would work. Like the one I went to Invent Help with. I think I can make a generator that is self propelled. By using forced water turning a turbine with a gear box attached to speed up the drive going into the generator. I call it the "Watt-r-ator.". It would cost Me over seven thousand dollars just for Them to help Me. I one upped that one too, use air to blow the turbine, it's lighter and all You need is a blower, less weight involved. This is My proof to My idea, if You can prove the idea was Yours You can take a patent away from Someone that screwed You over, the patent office tells You this when You send for information. I know My paint idea will work, I won't elaborate on it, it is made for the working class. Hell, I'd get ripped off again Ya know, just joking. Anywho, Ya'll have a great day will Ya? Kelly.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Unfucking lucky
I really have to say that I am the unluckiest Bastard on the face of the Earth. I was offered a life by Hugh Hefner(I guess, I never read it, I only saw My name in there while flipping through it),Nancy fell in love with Me, a Gal with the most beautiful face tries to get to know Me and I am a pretty good song writer too. That My Friends is exactly how My life has been, the bad thing is that My so-called Friends tried to destroy My brain when Hefner contacted Me, Nancy shocked Me so bad I broke Her heart, that Gal that snuck up behind Me pissed Me off, and I really can't sing all that well. Famous is what I have become, only I don't receive the wealth My Friends found due to My bumbling arse. Here I want to change the subject to America today. We are allowing these Muslims to actually tell Us that They want to kill Us yet We just sit back and watch, and Our President is a Muslim? An outrage! And I can be arrested for even saying what I am sayin here? Bullshit!!! We sat back and let these People try to drag Us into a fight since They attacked Our Marines in Beruit, Myself I am not a violent Person, or I would have slit Bill Rowleys throat, but I say it is time We carried the fight to these People that want to kill Us. If They think We will not stand up and do so They are sadly mistaken. Enough is enough, and that goes for Richard Pattison Fucking with My life. Yes I want to commt murder, and yes I probably will if nothing gets done about these People. The sad part is that They will go unpunished and I will lose again. You know They always seem to find something like this after the Person that was talking went through with what He was talking about and killed people. I am not the one to walk into a place and start shooting, I am the kind that will take the Moron with the gun down, Amen. Unfucking Lucky? Ask Yourselves. Kelly.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Well I aint gonna be as bad as Yesterday. If You can't tell I'm just a bit pissed off here, that should be easy to see from Your view I am sure. What's it like to be a complete Moron? It sucks, You hurt constantly inside, and a rage boils up when You realize You were made into what it is You are today, a lost Soul wandering the face of the Earth wishing He could back up time and do it all over again. I for a fact am one of those that would live it in another way if possible. I don't live in a fantasy World where I believe I can erase time, I am destined to live with the misery created by living My life. I do understand that I can change My life, I have begun by becoming a sober Being, four months and counting, I still want a beer but know in My heart that I am finished forever with the junk. It's just like hard drugs, I haven't touched any of that crap for so long I'm not really sure how many years it has been now. Even though, I'm cleaning My life up I still have a very serious brain issue. I can find quite a few Carpenters in America that I know in which will verify what I am saying about My ability to screw up the easiest things, even when I might have done the exact job before. With that said I bid You a good night, stay off the drugs Folks, there no good at all, Kelly.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Yep, it's Friday alright. Man that is fucked up when that's all I have to say aint it? Kelly.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
53 & still kickin'!
I have to make this fast, I have twenty three minutes left of My birthday, wow huh? A Guy at My age is usually a Grand Father by now, or dead. My silly ass life, I press on somehow. Lord listen to My prayers and raise Me from My misery, please Lord I beg of You. The life I live I should have ended years ago this I know, but I fight on through it. As the saying goes, "There's always Someone that has it worse Than You.". And as for You that have it worse than I, at least You don't have the heartaches I have been burdened with, nor the mental problems that come with a fried brain. I do have My health, for now, and I am still quite able to see the World through a different perspective than most. But hey, do You really give a shit? I doubt if too many of You out there actually care what happens to a Dumb Fuck like Me, but if Ya really do, thanks. Enough said aye? I gotta go, Kelly.
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