Monday, March 31, 2014
Again I must ask why on Earth do I have to cry out in pain and live a miserable life and Nobody seems to do a damn thing to these People? These are vicious S.O.B.s and that is a fact. They live a fantasy life if They think They can lie about what They have done. I have no respect at all for these People and that is a fact. What I have told You about My life no Person on Earth should have to go through to prove His honesty, but I sure as Hell feel it necessary in order to bring these Punks down. I told You that I am not a loose cannon, but I must reiterate. In the 90's I would have called Myself one. I hated life so bad I was going totally mad. What turned My life around was moving back here to Wyoming in 2002. Being in a small town You're more likely to be put away, in a city You can get away with more. Yes I am saying that a Person can change, and I really did some changing. I have to admit that this is a hard thing to write, but it has to be wrote.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
7800 plus pageveiws
I may not be getting any justice, but at least Somebodies reading about My screwy life. John Wayne supposedly said, "Life's tough, it's even tougher when You're stupid.", Wow! Even a Person that is supposed to be respectable can be an Ass to slow Folks. Have any of You felt stupid? I doubt it, I have personally. "Life's a Bitch and then You die.", or, "Life's a Bitch, and then You marry one.", Americans are full of nice little sayings. I have one of My own, "You wonder why They kill Americans.". I'll tell You again , I am not one of those that could walk into a place and start blasting, but I do keep a pistol in My truck. In Wyoming I can do so legally too. I own two black powder pistols and can keep one concealed without a permit here. And I can say for a fact that if I see some Jackass needing shot I will kill the Punk. I am not a half cocked Kid, nor am I a loose cannon. What I am is an American citizen that hates what He sees in the Land Today. A lot of Kids really think Their shit does'nt stink They're in for a very rude awakening.
Friday, March 28, 2014
I am still here. I am at a loss on what else I can say or do. I am a Victim here Folks and I do not lie about anything. It is hard to understand how They can flat out screw with life in the manner that They do and nothing gets done about it. I am so pissed off I would do My best to ruin a face when I see Them. It is an easy thing to do when You walk up to a Person, kick the S.O.B. in the crotch in stride and follow up with an uppercut from the knees. It has potential of punching through into His cranium so deep You will punch His brain. This is a lethal punch when a Guy like Me uses it because My arms are used to hard work and swinging a hammer daily for years. If I remember right I may have told You about the Kid in Nevada I punched, I liked Him or would have really hurt the Boy. I could'nt use the sneaky kick punch on Him but I had Him set up for it. I stopped My foot when it started up. He looked at the Boss standing next to Him like, "What in the Hell?", and when He turned back I hit Him square on the jaw. I hit Him real soft and He still flew through the air sideways for about six feet. That is what You call a hammer fist. Twenty 12d nails in fifteen and a half seconds is how fast I could drive nails in My twenties, I've slowed down a bit but not much at the age of fifty three. I grabbed a Kid in Dallas and spun Him around after He pushed His Girlfriend and barely touched Him on the tip of His jaw, He did'nt try Me. The same Kid I pulled off of another Fella while They fought and threw Him across the room. What I am saying here is that I have a strength that can really hurt a Person, and if that Person is deserving punishment I will not pull My punch as I did with these two. And Richard Pattison and Bill Rowley are that deserving.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
post 550
Not even a sawbuck has been received, I at least hoped for a dollar just to see if Anyone really cared. I in fact would send a poor soul a few bucks. Even when Homeless when I saw a street Musician or a panhandler in worse shape than Myself I'd give 'em something. But that is not what this is about. I say I am honest and I mean it. I still have'nt even touched any pot since around October and have had My chances too. As far sa drinking I still go out to some of the local Bars ever now and then, but nothing like I used to. When I was in My early twenties I was able to drink a case a day and still be able to function some what. Especially after I lost Nancy did I down the suds. For years I was at the Bar every night. If I had to borrow money to do so I would. I will end here because I can smell My steak cooking. Sincerely, Kelly McGill.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
The Bro must go!
The title Today has been said by Black People, I too say it. I was approached at work about this healthcare crap, it is nonsense to force this on this Country. I do not trust this Obama Fella for a second, Lobbyist run wild in the white house and I am sure They are bribing these Politicians that back this junk. I have no quarrels with healthcare, it is the fact that it is being forced upon Us. I have said it time and time again that $1. a day is more then enough to operate the system. If You have twenty million workers each paying that amount daily You will bring in plenty of capitol, $20,000,000. a day? Kickbacks are a notorious habit for these elected Officials, Lobbying is a kickback for a fact. I have seen a picture of Mr. Obama where He is sitting on the couch and taking a bong hit, behind Him is a poster of Edi Ahmeen, a known Murderer. That in itself says something to Me. I have, as I have said before, met pot runners straight from Mexico that spoke better english the most Americans, so You cannot tell Me it is not possible for this Person to be a plant here. He speaks to clean in My opinion. I sincerely think He is starting a War in America. Now days You read and watch videos where black Kids are going around playing this knockout game, People We're are in for a rough go of it in the near future I am afraid, and this Obama Character is pushing it to the extremes. For one thing He is trying to cut the Military when We are at war, that is not normal. I hope and pray that a change does come to the great U.S. of A, but not the one He wants. They want to award these illegal Aliens with work wile Our own People suffer? I have lived in the streets, I know how tough it is to get out and They want to make it worse. Wake up America!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Kelly Here
I am at a loss on what to say Today. I have said it before that it is tough to continuously come up with something different to say all of the time. I suppose I'll just say one thing, I am an honest Son of a Bitch if nothing else. I will end for the night with that because I am getting depressed even thinking about this Bullcrap.
Monday, March 24, 2014
trying harder
I really cannot believe that nothing at all is being done about this Person Richard Pattison. You cannot actually allow this Kid to mess with My life like He does. He and His Pals feel I am a joke of some sort. I say without a doubt it won't be funny if and when I run into this Child. I make no idle threats either, I would beat that sorry ass Kid half to death and enjoy it after what He did to My life. I have rights as a Human Being, only I am a slow Boy so Who cares? I insist on saying that I won't be responsible for My actions with these People. It is a fact that I have blacked out all memory before when it came to fighting. I have heard it said from Men that They just see red when They get into a fight, I truly don't remember parts of My life. Ray Joe Lewis ran into His house with Me right on His tail. After His Mother Alicita scolded Me for what I had done I do not remember a thing. I was two years old and snap kicked Him sqaure in the nose and had never heard the word Karate before then. I busted Bill Rowleys guitar over His head and never had a thought to do so. And I beat Thomas so bad He ran for His life. Does this sound like a Person You would be messing with? As the saying goes, it's always the one that retaliates for being pushed that is called the bad Person. People are screwed up in this Country and had better figure it out before We wind up losing the whole damn thing. Really, Kelly McGill.
Tomorrow's another day
As of tomorrow, March twenty fifth, it will be three years solid that I have been babbling on about how I was done wrong and how this Richard Pattison keeps rubbing it in. That in itself is enough to drive a Human to the verge of Murder. I know They are out there somewhere on the Web and talking about Me, how else would the Fella in Austin know where I had My tent pitched? I f He is reading this He can tell You Himself what type of an Artist I am. I was playing one of My favorites to play, it is called the Heartache quake. That song is directly about Nancy too. I say here and now that I never really had an inclination to be a Musician, it was set up like I say for Me to hear the music that would change My life. If there has ever been a reason to drop kick a Kid what They did to My life is just that. I cannot say enough to You People out there to do whatever it takes to teach Your Children to stay away from drugs in Their lives, They are the scourge of the Planet. "Money is the root of all evil.", and these People are evil and that is a fact of life. Anybody that laughs at another Persons struggles in life is nothing more than a Child, and when They are the ones that created said problems They are worse. I am disgusted with the whole mess, Kelly.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Holy Hell Wyoming!!!
Hey!!! I am a real Person!!! My name is as I say, Kelly John McGill. Yes I have been in jail for stupid reasons, but I still am not the type of Person that does not deserve a break, fact! There are even Police Officers here in Riverton that I suspect as being involved. Scott Komrs I would consider innocent, He is an Lt. on the local P.D. here, but Earl Smith Whom is a deputy with the Fremont county sheriffs department now was a regular around Bill Rowley then. Scott was married to Morie Komars the Tae Kwon Do instructor around town, They were decent People and I doubt if They had any contact to said crime, but Earl?
Saturday, March 22, 2014
How I really am
In the first place I really do not expect a penny from any one of You, but I at least told You how I feel. A deserving Person? Ya I feel I am. Just a few minutes ago, around thirty to be exact I stopped and did what a lot of People would not do. As I was pulling through a parking lot I noticed a car with it's hood up. To Me that says, "I need a jump start.", when I asked if She did I stopped and helped out. I may have ruined a pair of 501s and My sheepskin Wrangler jacket by doing so, but I was not about to let this Gal and Her three Kids sit there without help. She did have a Mechanic Friend coming to help and the two of Us got Her on the road. He did not have jumper cables so I am glad I stayed until He arrived. A bad connection to the battery was all it was, I had taken apart the connection and cleaned it but no luck. When Her help arrived He went through the fuses under the hood and finally with My cables on He twisted the connector, that was all it took. I was at least in the ballpark and had told Her it was more than likely the corroded cables. What amazes Me is that a lot of Folks out there would have looked away and let this Woman and Her three Kids sit there in the cold, it may be spring but it snowed here this morning Folks. What made Me feel good was when Her Daughter came over and gave Me a hug and said thanks. I will stop and help You out, Kelly.
Goofy ass Kid anyhow
Ya I am a silly Bastard to do what it is that I am doing here, but what the heck aye? I have said it before that if it were You Yourselves You would want to bring these People down too. My sorry luck made these People wealthy and I can't do a damn thing about it so it seems. I harass Hugh Hefner and it just gets blown off. And I am here to say that I am the Person these Assholes are screwing with on T.V. People. It boggles My mind how They can get away with it too. Man, I even walked right up to the gates of the Playboy mansion and tried to get some attention from Hugh, no doing. Well? What next? I am a poor Peasant that wants to retire with style if it is possible. I have even asked for a dollar from any of You out there that might even care, no luck there. It may work if I asked again though. Mail it to Kelly McGill @ 718 N 2nd E, Riverton Wyoming 82501. I throw it out there again even though I doubt it will work. I Myself am a hard worker with arthritis creeping in on My back. The hard days I have lifting and toting are getting to Me. I have done manual labor for over thirty five years now, and it is getting real old. I have no retirement plan set up and will more then likely wind up a burden on society when I do quit working, so can Ya blame a Guy? Have a great day Yourselves, Kelly.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Honesty My Freind
There is no more honest a Man on the face of the Planet then a Kid that says, "I am not a Man!", and that is a basic fact of life, Kelly.
Post 395
It has been, on the 25th of this month, three solid years that I have tried to bring these People to justice, no such luck. I will admit that I did do the acid, but I was set up with the junk for a fact. My life has change dramatically since this has started. I no longer smoke pot and I live inside for starters. When I first began speaking out I was living in a tent on Broadway in Santa Monica. I am not the most experience Person when it comes to living in the streets, but I knew to keep My camp clean and discreet. I was camped out less then a block away from Playboy west and was some what accepted there. I even had a spot where I could lock My stuff up for a while. But in all seriousness, this is bull crap! I am a Victim here Folks. I have to wonder what it was that Hugh Hefner even contacted Me about. If Anybody out there Knows if I am a wealthy Person without My knowledge, for I never read the magazine, I want You to know something. This is known as putting it in writing, I would give You half of what ever is sitting out there in My name. I am past the phase in My life in which I would have been an Addict so don't worry about Me messing up for one thing. And to clarify how Kelly McGill actually would have turned out, I would have been a Man with enough money to afford to treat Nancy as a Woman would expect to be treated and been a married Man, fact. Have a wonderful evening Folks, Kelly McGill.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Still here
Do You want to know something about this Pattison Fella? Would You believe He even went to Tibet to become a Monk? I doubt if He really tried Myself, but that's what He said He was going to do. When He came back He said it was to filthy over there and could'nt stand it. My thoughts are He was just going over seas, He did say He went to Holland while there. Don't the Monks have a vow of silence? I know Richard well enough to know that He could never keep that pledge. As I have said before this Kid is a Hot Shot that thinks His shit smells like roses. I am curious about a song, "All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills in Somebody else's name.", Whos? Mine or Richards? I know now that I was being set up due to the fact that I was such a little Kid that night of the party, and now this Richard Pattison is wealthy because of it. If these People were My Friends They sure as Hell would have let Me know what that damn Playboy said instead of rubbing in My face that I am a slow Kid. Again Folks I do not lie, this all has happened to My life, Kelly.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Tweet 530 here
I sure as Hell hope You can read this, I left My glasses at My house and using the Folk's internet connection. so things are a bit blurred. I know, I'm showing some signs of age. I do not actually look at any post from others, but I do know that I starting to be followed by a lot of Police Officers. To those I wish to say that I sure do hope You don't take this as a prank. I really do not, in My art want to go out and kill these People, but I know Myself well and see that I am capable of losing complete control if I ran into Them. I can see how My even saying this could raise questions about My sanity, I Myself keep a close watch on it. I am at a point to where I am positive that this Richard Pattison it paying some high falutin' S.O.B. off, I am without a doubt sure that Hugh Hefner knows exactly Whom to approach about such things, and that I write for not, but as the saying goes, "Can Ya blame a Guy for trying?". My name is Kelly McGill, and I do have serious issues in life and most of them were created by these People. All I can hope for is that They get run over by a truck and it's not Mine. I would be a bigger Fool then I am if They did vanish now after writing all of this, so I would have to follow in Their shoes and create a solid aliby for a fact. I cannot prove, without the help of those involved, that They are guilty of administering the acid, but They are screwing with My life as a joke. The proof is on Television. With this said I am finished for the evening, again, this sucks. Kelly.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Does Anybody really care?
I really have to wonder if there really is justice in the World. I continuously talk about these People screwing with My life on national television and in the movies. I have many regrets in My life and of them is My profession. I feel I should have been a Cop. And I know if I were and I saw this I would make damn sure I looked into it. But Hey, I'm just some slow Kid so it's just too bad, right? I can hear People now, "They did'nt force this Guy to do the drugs.", well no, but it was premeditated. They had planned from the beginning to watch My life change. I am serious when I say I was happy with the mind I had when this all started, now I want to take My life because I hate the life I live worse than most of You could fathom. I again say this is disturbing so I have to quit, Kelly.
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