Saturday, May 31, 2014
Tomorrows another day
As of Tomorrow I will be the ripe age of fifty four, and I feel it. I am still young and spry to an extent, but holy smokes I feel My age. Being a frame Carpenter for thirty years takes it's toll on a Fella, I'm just damned surprised I have all My digits on My fingers. I am one of those that still ties the guard back because it gets in the way too. The scary thing is when Someone picks it up, I watch 'em like a Hawk until I am confident They can handle it. Most of the time I tell Them to take the shim out. I hate it when Somebody picks it up and acts like They know better and I see the blade so close to Their leg it sends chills, really. As I say, Tomorrows an other day, I'll C - Ya then, Kelly.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Same damn crap
How in the Hell are You? Myself? Feeling good. I hate this damn neighborhood Bar I go to. Every now and again I sit there and Nobody takes My money for beer. The only thing is They just keep filling My mug? I show My respect though and leave a $5 when I leave. That has happened twice now. These Guys that run the Bar are as normal as any Man, so nothing funny there. I think it's just that I hang out and cause no problems for Them. I do get into conversations with Women every now and then so They know I am at least half normal. It does leave a Guy wondering though. Funny Fucker They are. At least They are not out to destroy a Person because They can, Hey Bill and Richard?
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Hello America.
What a farce, these Boy's get away with a crime and I live with a miserable life. As I have stated Nobody wants to help out a slow Kid, that in itself is major bullshit. I again had something to say Tonight but can't recall what it was right no, dammit. When this first started, which really seems like a long time ago right now, I used to leave Myself messages on My phone with an alarm reminding Me what to say. I don't have he time now. I just wish this would be taken to heart by the right Person and it takes hold. I am dead serious when I say this crime They have done to My life could very easily turn into a murder case. Son, what They did to My life, and now They want to screw with Me? I am so God damn pissed off right now I would shoot Someone. Somebody had better take this shit serious, because if I followed through and took an Assholes life I sure as Hell would make sure that the World knew why. I understand that I can talk like this all I want, until I say I am on My way to Bill Rowley's house in Wenachie Washington with intent to commit murder, until then it's just talk. I am from the mountain area though, if I were to kill this Creep He would never be found. Washington is an open area with Bears and Mountain Lions too. Just crush the skull and They'll find nothing after the Coyotes are through. Again, I am pissed off enough to want to do such a thing, but having the ability?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Da Fuq?
Why do People hate Americans? I Myself do to a certain extent, but most of You are alright. It's that certain percentage We can't stand, the ones that don't have a clue. I Myself? I have even less than a clue.
Holy smokes!
You do not joke about this kind of life. You do not Bully Them. You do not allow Them to be pushed around. A fact is a fact. My God these People are allowed to do this on National Television? Hey! Other Countries want to kill Us? Holy Shit! Good God, what in the Hell are We up too? Kelly!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
8899 Pagveiws? Whoo Hoo!
Gullible damn Kids anyhow! I listened to some Rock& Roll and instantly knew I was going to be a Star, Gullible? Well I have some lyrics for You, and They're not Mine either. "We've taken care of everything, the songs You hear the words You sing, Victims of this Brotherhood of Man.", Those are on the Rush album 2112. Those words alone helped to turn My life towards a life of becoming a Musician. No joke either, I after hearing this crud I bought a guitar as soon as I could afford it, and I keep one around Today. I told You about having to pawn Mine in Reno to by tools for a job I never got, now I own a better one, a Washburn I have owned for a few months now. I am even thinking about buying a twelve string Seagull now. I never would have even thought about taking up the git-fiddle if not for these People and that's a fact, but They did'nt really need to feed Me so much acid. I know a lot of People out there say, "Tough luck.". that in itself is Child's play. You do not allow these People to get away with Their crimes, seriously. Sincerely, Kelly John McGill.
I just read last nights entry, pretty messed up aint it? A few beers and I rattle on. I guess I'll never grow. Anyhow, I know Myself pretty well, if I had some real money I sure as Hell would not be living the life of a Fool. All I truly want is the truth brought out and these People brought to justice. As the saying goes, "Is that asking too much?". Dammit!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Here I go again
Hey, I don't know if She's lying. But this evening I was told by a local Waitress that goes to the nearby Pub that the Gentleman, and I use the term lightly if She speaks the truth follows Her from town to town. But yet again She allows Him? These damn Kids like to screw with a slow Person and think it's funny! Grown Adults! Men and Women! A fact is a fact! Anybody that would allow a Kid to be screwed with is a mean Human, bottom line.Hey! I am an absolute Moron, fact. But what gives these People to think it's funny to mess with Me? I am, for one thing, trying to keep People from being totally destroyed here, not only by the People coming into America that want to kill You, but from doing it to Yourselves. Take a good look around Kids, We have People that hate Us. Richard is the kind of Kid that will use this against Me. Grow The Hell up now. I insist on pushing You towards real Adulthood Kids, not playing a Kids game like these People, fact.
A bizarre story to begin with
Extortion is exactly what these People have committed, if in fact I was being awarded something for being an innocent Kid. Hell I don't have a clue, remember I never read the damn Playboy. The one thing that pisses Me off more than anything is that They made damn sure I had enough acid to fry My brain pretty good. It never clicked when Kevin Childers told Me how much They were giving Me and how much They Themselves were taking. And then again, They knew how to do it and not get the full affect. I was told afterwards that You need hold it in Your mouth for a while and then spit it out, of course I was told after it was all done. Funny Fuckers They are.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
I hate this, but I have to do it
I am sitting here not really wanting to post Tonight. I am a mess of a life, and these Thugs think it's cute to mess with My mind. Get rid of Them now. Sorry ass Kids anyhow.
Good Morning
I am having a tough time looking at My own life. There was a time, when I was in My twenties, that I lived to go out, now I get a lot more sleep. I am up at 5:30 on a Sunday and tweeting? Damn how People change. At least I did'nt go totally insane. What happened to Me is I let go of My control on Myself. I now days have a better grip on My life. One thing for damn sure, I sure as Hell wish I had never met Richard Pattison and His Pal Bill Rowley. The past is what it is, I am seeking a better future for Myself. Trying to destroy a Persons mind is an offence I cannot tolerate. In My opinion it is worse than murder.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
A Man's way
"There are some things a Man just won't do.", and what I heard Tonight is just another. I was sitting here on Facebook when an old Friend asks Me to visit Her at Her Brothers house, of course I went right over. What She told Me though. According to Her a Friend of Her Brothers was feeding Him laced Meth. He did'nt seem much different than before, but Donny's always been a little out there. Now He is disabled She told Me, damn! KID'S THESE DRUGS WILL KILL YOU IF YOU ARE LUCKY, IF NOT YOU LIVE AS A SCREWED UP LIFE!!! GET IT STRAIGHT FROM US THAT HAVE BEEN THROUGH IT!!! I understand, I too said what side affects? I grew since then. Fuck You Kid, drugs kill. That is if You're lucky.
Heads up
I just saw something on T.V. that reminded Me of My youth. I told You about My Sister Lois dragging Me into the bedroom and having feel Her in all the right places. Well that led to Me thinking I could do the same with My Kid Sister Penny, it did'nt work. I am sure Lois told Her to watch Me. What it is that I am trying to say here is that when a Boy reaches a certain age, around twelve, He starts to think of the opposite sex, and when He's a dumb ass? Well, take My word for it the Kids a Moron. The next thing Ya know His Pals are asking if He wants to get high. My predicament exactly. Hell on wheels Folks, give the Kid a break. What I am trying to say here is that You had better take Your Kid to the side and say something. When You see the older Kid, too old to be where He is, playing with the Children, He's the one You take to the side. My Folks did nothing but let Me grow moss. Show the Kid what a Man is, maybe it'll work. It better'd.
Hopeless cause
Dammit to Hell! What does it take to bring these People to justice? I am not exaggerating in the least. I will continue My fight.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Dang it anyhow!
Here I sit and type My ass off and nothing comes from it, Bull crap! Hi I am Kelly McGill. I am trying My damndest to bring down a Scoundrel named Richard Pattison. And yes I completely understand how this would seem like a lie. I am an honest Person. I will defend what I say till I die. The problem is that these Bastards will lie until They die in order to keep secret what They have done. I am the kind of Guy that will help out a perfect Stranger Folks. I have in the past and will again too. All I really want is for Someone to bring these People to justice, seriously, Kelly McGill.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Here I am
I don't know know many posts it is going to take, but I'll blog them all. Hey! Tonight I had the opportunity to compliment a Woman. I did so by kissing Her hand. This Gal sat down at the bar and bought a drink for each of Us on either side of Her. After a while We struck up a conversation. I was impressed with Her Children enough that I told Her, 'You messed up and did something right with Them.'. Hey! This goes out to You Fellas out there that think Fat Girls are ugly, GROW THE FUCK UP!!!! I really liked this Woman. I did'nt try by asking, 'Hey Ya Horny?', or some silly Kid shit, but I can bet the next time I see Her I may be the Gentleman that keeps Our lives secret. Hey, life sucks to a Guy like Me, but every now and againn special moments happen that make Ya wonder.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Kelly McGill here
American Youth? Kids Today don't have a clue, I'm not saying They're dumb. it's just that even in My time I see the difference. I have this 29 year old Kid that George put with Me, He's a good example. I bust My ass, most of the Kids Today want to take it easy. And try to tell Them to get a move on. Richard Pattison Himself is a Carpenter, I've worked with Him, but even He skates a bit. Bill Rowley on the other hand was always what can and will be called a Hand when it came to busting Your ass. Without knowing what it means to get after it continuoslly for at least eight hours a day You don't have a clue. Packing no less than eight 8' studs at a time is the standard load, eights for light weights. I get a kick out of watching these Kids when I blow Their mind with a framing axe. I just Today actually showed some of My old speed nailing, I'm a bit rusty. I for one am not afraid to put My nose to the grindstone, there are Youngsters out there that will, but They're getting less all the time it seems. Well, just had a Bitch to talk about, You Folks have a good one, Kelly.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
"There's a Man!"
In the first place Folks, this is "Not a laughing matter". Tonight? I sure as Hell hope I find a Human Being grown enough to see through all of this nonsense that Richard Pattison is trying to pull off, Hugh Hefner sure is'nt Man enough to face up to the facts of life, or He thinks He's too good for that crap. People I am the Victim of a heinous crime. I live with the ability to screw up even the easiest carpentry, even if I have done it time and time again. I hate My life so bad I really have attempted suicide. But Who gives a fuck, "He's just some retarded Kid!". Good God! I have a lot going for Me. Even Today I was introduced at a meeting as the Man in charge of the whole fricking job, Yes Me. I am not an absolute Moron, just a fuck up, thanks to My Friends. I really doubt if I would have been such a Loser if not for Them. Like I say, if I ran into Nancy and even had a few thousand in the Bank I sure as Hell would not have ran off. I have stated, and this proves My ignorance, that I was'nt good enough for Her right in front of Her. She Herself would have to say that I had a look on My face that shouted lost. Please God help Me find Justice, Amen.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Hard feelings
I want to conclude what I have been saying about Harker Heights. Before I became drunk I was talking to some Fella in the Bar when another was standing nearby. I said that Guy sounds like a Queer, His response was, "That's My Friend.", We did'nt continue to talk after that. After I went outside I ran into the same Fella, that's actually when I got into trouble. I really don't remember what was said but at the end I told Him You don't want to mess with People You never know who's gonna take You. With that said I showed Him just how fast My hand speed is and used a knife hand throat punch that was seriously close to Him. That's when the Bouncer got involved, I think He was watching from inside. He came out and was pissed off. I told Him the same thing except I said You never know when Somebody's going to come back with a gun. I heard His footsteps behind Me when I reached My car and was tackled from behind. That was when he Police showed up. As far as being a drunk Asshole, Yea I was definitely that, but I sure as Hell was not going for a gun. I am not a bright Perosn and that's a fact.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The Life of Rielly
Yes I am an Irishman, We, according to what They say, have the worst luck. I was going to start Tonight with, "I got laid!", that does'nt work for Me though. So I am going to scratch My head and wing it. If People in America would open Their eyes it would be a vicious future. We have opened Our borders, and allowed immigrants for too long, My Family being among those. Again, I am just going with what I feel here. But Hey, take a good look around. Population control is what I feel We are seeing because We have allowed an over abundance of freedom America. This blog, in My opinion, has turned into a plea for the People. Yes, I am an innocent Kid, even at My age, But holy crap! "Wake up America!", I have been seen enough to sicken most. No bull either. I Myself have'nt seen enough to say I know it all, fact, but I have seen enough. "Richard Pattison, Killeen Texas!", "Kelly! Kelly! Kelly! Ah I wanted the MaGilla Gorilla!", is enough to piss Me off. "Get a grip!", I have a better grip then You would think with the life I have been forced to live with. Kelly.
I really cannot stand seeing these People get away with such Bullshit. My life? Holy crap! I told You about Harker Heights and being told to leave the Bar so many times. The fact is is that I left on My own, Nobody at all told Me to leave. When I got up to walk out I was seriously drunk too, I walked right into a table and knock it over. I say this in order to let You see how fast I truly am. There was a full pitcher of beer sitting on that table when I knocked it over. It's not bullshit when I say I grabbed the table and set it up with only a little of the beer spilling, and this table was almost on the ground already. My reason for saying this is that I am a dangerous Person even drunk. My speed with My hands and feet , especially when charged, is not Human. Ask Billy Slattery and Bill Rowley, They've seen it up close and personal. Richard was there when I stopped Slattery in His tracks and never touched Him, My foot stopped about an inch from His face. As far as dangerous goes though, at this stage in My life I am only dangerous to the People that mess with Me. You Yourselves would be the same way when a Person messes with You or Your Families. In My Youth I was the easiest going Kid You could meet, but that all changed after years of being ridiculed and harassed. I'm not a "walking timebomb" even though it was'nt all that many years ago I Myself would have called Myself one. I am at peace with Myself You can say, even though I hate life.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Holy crap it's Kelly McGill!
I live a strange life and that is a fact. I strive for People to believe every word I say in order to take down a couple Kids, with no results. You may remember I told You that I have a Terrorist threat against Me, that in itself may be the reason I am being judges wrong. Hey, when I went to court over it the assistant D.A. told the Judge, "He was told to leave the Bar twelve to thirteen times.". My response was as, 'That's a lie!'. What a Lawyer I had. He just sat there like nothing was going on. My saying when I talk about it is, 'Have You ever been to a Bar?'. Some of You may have been to Harker Heights Texas, Whiskey Hill to Locals. This is the place the Soldiers from Fort Hood hang out, there is no way in Hell You are going to be told five times to leave a Bar there without Somebody getting pissed off enough to throw You out physically. I say this in order to open the eyes of Anyone watching this thinking I'm a vicious Kid, I am not. I have been hit in the mouth and walked away from it, that's how rough and tumble I am. If You look at My record I have been to jail so many times I really can't recall how many trips I have made, mostly drunk offences and forgetting to pay a ticket here and there. I do have a U.C.W. (unlawful carrying a weapon), which seems violent. The facts are that I had just got back to Austin from Laredo and had no place to stay. I could have spent the night on a Friends floor but did'nt want to crowd Them. So I went around the corner from there and slept in My car. When the Police checked Me out I had a pistol laying on the floorboard. The sad thing is I had a signed lease in My possession to move in the next day at an apartment complex, and an uncashed check in My pocket. Paul Velte was My Lawyer, wish I had Him in Bell county when I was convicted of being a Terrorist, He was mad when I did'nt want to fight the charge too. I may have mentioned that I was one of the first ones to sign the petition He started about the gun laws, not long after the concealed carry permits were being passed out. Yes I am saying I am the one that originally started the concealed handgun movement in America. It took Me looking like an Ass to do so, but Hey what the Fuck aye?
One regret?
I wrote Yesterday that I have only one regret, well that's what happens when You're typing fast and not really proofreading. I have a few regrets in life, the Women I blindly scarred would definitely have to be a major one.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
What a Kid
I aint joking when I say I can screw it up quick. The last thing I did Yesterday was take a measurement for the stairs. I was standing on top of the floor when I did so and saw the nine foot mark and wrote down 9' 4". This morning I started setting the landing at that figure, it was 8' 4", damn. I just dodged a bullet though because I only have the landing done. What that means is every step is a quarter of an inch out. That sounds small, but the first one is a quarter the second is a half an inch the third three quarters, etc. I have to put 3/4 ply on the first and tow sheets of 1/2 in on the next. The other one I need to look at closer it should be around two and three quarters low. Easy enough to fix, but a Guy in My position is supposed to pay more attention. It does'nt help when the plans have been deviated from so You are winging it on this house. I am sure as Hell glad I have'nt had any mistakes on the cut in roof. Whew! I have one regret in My life, and that is ever taking any acid at all, and that is the straight up truth.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
This is Bullshit Folks, I am getting sick and tired of crying about how these People get away with screwing with My life. You know damn good and well it it were most of You out there You'd want to shoot these little Punks. "Hugh Hefner likes Us, They can't do a thing to Us", or, "We're rich He can't touch Us.", or else, "Ya snooze Ya lose, it's too bad.", are about what Richard Pattison would be saying. I really hate that piece of Dirt. As I have said before, it's pretty screwy how I had no clue on how to play a guitar, nor did I have any thoughts on even becoming a Musician. These People purposely set up a slightly retarded Kid with L.S.D. and music telling Me I could learn how to be a song writer and that is a fact of life. Then asked Me directly afterwards if I wanted to join in a Band. They altered My mind, and that is unforgivable. I am not all talk Folks, They better just hope I keep My wits about Me and don't go hunting for Them.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Dammit all
I thought of something Today that I did My junior year in High School. I went out for football track just to stay in better shape. At the end of the season I had just recovered from a sprained ankle. I told the Coach that I did'nt want to run in the event I was supposed to run in but He told Me I had to. I was so far behind I finished while limping terribly. I was faking it. When I thought of that Today it embarrassed Me to be so phony back then. I have to say something about these People have been in contact with that know how I was screwed by Richard. Mike Judge, the Cartoonist, is the one that started saying I could'nt speak well enough to be understood. A speech empedimy I have heard Billy Hanson say, I just tell the Boy to get His hearing checked. Most People don't have a problem understanding Me. I do stutter at times though. The funny thing is is that I never had any problem at all before I was set up with all the L.S.D., I insist that They set Me up with enough to cause permenent brain damage on purpose. I just wish to Hell People would have left Me alone.
Monday, May 12, 2014
This Carpenter right here!
Hello, My name is Kelly McGill. I have for the past couple of years talked about My miserable life on the face of the Earth. Son of a Bitch is all I can say. We as Americans have to do some soul searching. We, on a daily basis, allow Children to do as They please. I see it all the time. At the present We are entering a period in which We actually may not survive. We have allowed Our Country to be overrun by People that hate Us, yet We sit back and watch. People say that the attack on the World trade center was an inside job? I was'nt there, I have not a clue. All I can say is that there is soon to be a War on American soil, one that We will remember for years if We in fact do survive it. What I am trying to say here is just exactly what Joan Rivers went around in Her younger day saying, "Oh grow up, just grow up!, and She meant it. She does'nt do this anymore because She in fact did just that. I say it again, I have witnessed changes in Americas Youth in the past, and I await for Them to see the reality of the World and change again. I understand that many of Us see the aires about People, but that does not make You an Adult. Coming from a Child such as Myself most of the Kids will scoff at what I say, but Hey, if I were to have been left alone, and if I were with a Woman, Kids, You would see a Man. I know this for a fact. I have been around Full Grown Adults, and I know what it is that I am talking about. Words like, "Still not sure huh?", and, "And then They expect to be called Grown.", are just two of the sayings I have heard, and I would'nt call either of them dumb sayings even though they may seem childish to You. Have a great life, Kelly McGill.
Craig Ferguson
I really do hope that My talking about this is the reason this Ferguson Character is being removed from His job on the late late show. I really do hate the way the People think They can just say whatever They want and get away with it. Do You People understand that the rest of the World looks at Us like We're insane for such actions. The word Adult has a meaning, it is Maturity. Grown Men and Women do not act like these Children and that is a fact that needs to be faced up to. It is a serious crime these People have committed and I seek justice because I deserve it. Being celibate is a way of life, I am not the only Human on Earth that lives alone. My main problem is an age old one too, "Life sours some People.", when You lose a true love You hurt so bad inside that You hate to wake up in the morning. I have lost so many times in My life it amazes Me. It also tells Me that there is Someone out there for Me too. All I really want is to live a good life, but no, I have to be the most miserable Bastard on Earth. "It takes a Woman's love to make a Man,", are lyrics on Kansas's Masque album, they have true meaning. I am not a Man and I see that, because I have very little self control when it comes to love. "I don't want Your sympathy.", I just want justice. Sincerely, Kelly McGill.
Wyoming 2014
Good morning. Today is a wonderment, it's snowing. And I don't mean the wet snows We'll get that tear down trees with Their weight either. It looks like December outside. Global warming huh?
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Good God Man, what in the Hell does it take to bring down a couple of Punks? I am totally honest here Folks. When I say I was set up in a manner in which I was a total Fool for even thinking I was accepted by these People, I speak nothing but the truth. I am not as screwed up as They wanted Me to be, but Goddam it I am what is known as a lost Kid because of the happenings in My life. I can guarantee that if I were offered money and had it when I met Nancy I would have stood My ground, or at least I sure as Hell hope I would have. People that look at this and say to Themselves that it's just a slow Kid and that's too bad, seriouslly.
Ma & Pa Kettle?
Damn if I do get carried away at times, but at least I am honest though. I have a story for You. Here I am walking into the local Cafe. I sit down next to a young Man and recognize Him right off. I ask Him, 'Is You're name Dwayne?', and all of a sudden I have a new fishing Buddy. I told You about punching the gas when I saw Chris Montoya crossing the road, this is His Brother. That in itself tells You how I am accepted amongst these People here. I told Dwayne about it on Classmates a few years ago how I approached His Brother over this made up bullshit regarding His Brother. Dwayne has always treated Me with respect Folks, which in return? Other than that all I have to say is that I hope You have a great day. Kelly
Saturday, May 10, 2014
That Man's just a Kid!
Hell, I'm sitting here watching Ma and Pa Kettle. Well? How in the Hell is Your life? I hate to be sarcastic, but I need help. I refuse to quit, Kelly.
From the heart
"The Kid's a Man!", "That Man's a Kid!", "That Man's just a Kid!", "That's a Girl if I've ever seen one!", "Take Me as I am, or don't take Me at all!", "Where have You been all My life?", the last one I have been asked Myself. The World is so full of wonderments, it is an exciting place to be a member of, fact. All You have to do is open Your eyes, and Your mind to the reality of it. I, at the age of nearing fifty four, am a Child on a Planet called Earth. What I have just said to You amazes Me Personally, here I am writing this crud. In fact I have let My fingers do te talking for the past few sentences. I am looking at a Planet, and I am speaking from My own mind here, in which Children are in charge. There is not a Man on Earth that would allow such nonsense, fact. I really do not wish as a Human Being wish to say that the Lord guides My fingers here, but Thou shallt not molest, Thou shalt not commit rape, Thou shalt not be a drug addict, were formed in the hands of a Child named Kelly McGill. I do as this Person want You to realize, Fuck Your beliefs, That I can see hat Moses went through then. It is as easy as looking at it. Here He is watching these People carrying on like They were untouchable, and the next thing They know They are in trouble. Laymens terms? Damn! Hey, I write it as I see it. Kelly McGill here saying so.
Here I sit trying My damndest
"Boy's will be Boy's.", is not an excuse. This was a vicious attack on a Human life, Mine. I survive on this Planet People. I never went out of My way to harm a soul either. Carisma is what it is. Richard is a likeable Kid with an easy gait, it is easy to see how Hefner accepted Him. But to allow Him to continue with this charade is out of hand. I really do wish They would attempt to bring Me down for false accusations, I would love to see Them in a court room. I would demand a lie detector test to prove My words are true. I can bet money Richard and Bill Rowley would balk at the mention of such a thing. I Myself cannot stand a Liar. People what They did to My life is serious, I cannot keep My thoughts straight at times, and that pisses Me off.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Damn if I know?
At least I am getting readers here. I now am at 8504 pageveiws, kool. I really am at a total loss on what to do here. I am receiving emails from where I am registered, and have seen Women on there I am interested in too. As I have said before, My life is'nt good enough for Them. A matter of pride to say the least. All I am asking is for My luck to change, bring these People down so I can feel good about Myself again. Thanks for reading this junk, Kelly.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Euless Texas
In the year of 1997 I was living in Euless, and pert near totally insane. No shit. I had so much anger in Me that I had a real rage problem. Somebody would do something wrong on the highway and I would catch up to Them and try to get Them to fight. I hated life worse then many of You would understand. "Everything happens for a reason.", and I feel that is the reason I kept from going to Washington and cutting this Bill Rowley's throat for Him. If I were as mad at the World as I was then He would have been buried. I was so out of control I wasted money because it was so easy to make at the time. I even spent $5,000. in a weekend smoking crack. I told You about going to Jacksboro for a year. I went to court after one of My binges so wasted I was damn lucky the Judge did'nt see Me. I went out of the Courtroom and was sitting when My Lawyer came out and told Me He had moved the court date. I know for a fact that Judge would have put Me in the Loony bin. Sharon Wilson does not play around in Tarrant county. Today? I am a lot happier than I was then, I told You that I actually cried everyday for a year, Nancy was on My mind hard. I look back at that point in My life and I am seriously surprised I am alive too, Kelly.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Rotten Kids
"Dirty rotten Scoundrels.", is exactly what these People are. I made up My mind Today that I have to continue this crud. Even if I have to do this bull for ten solid years I will, maybe by then I'll catch the eye of a Person interested in the truth. I have seen some sorry crap in My life that's for damn sure. I just hope to Hell it does some good to write like this, Kelly.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
My God!
I seriously cannot get over on how this arrogant Person rubs it in My face and I receive no justice. I am pleading My heart out with no chance of taking these People down. Ridiculous! Anger? You figure it out. Who in the fuck is getting paid off? A Man is a Man! There is not a real Man on the face of the Earth that would allow such an outrage, and that My Friends is a fact of life. As I have said before, I cannot live the life of a Grown Adult. The difference is is that I understand how a true Grown Up is. I am at the end of My life soon if I don't find a different route to travel.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Short & Sweet
I am doing My best to bring these Bastards down, so I am keeping it short in order to achieve that. I am the Victim here Folks.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Still no justice? I am so sick and tired of writing this junk just to bring down a Jerk. I admit I am an absolute Moron, but that is the first Person I would go out of My way to help.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Bullshit walks!
This is one of the most heartfelt messages I have sent out. "I'm just a little Kid!", is one of the first things I told Myself in life. This would have been in 1963. I as I have said was a wise Boy. I insist on the respect I am deserving when it comes to My wisdom. I may be an immature S.O.B. at times, but I do know and understand the difference between Kids and Grown Ups. Honesty? I have told You how many times that I quit smoking pot? One of the Boy's came back from Denver with an E-joint, I just had to try the new technology Myself. Hey, I was a lost and confused Kid afterwards. I do have enough experience to know how My brain works though, I was figuring a part of the roof out, a small part, and kept from throwing it into the trash. Two hits had Me fucked up, but Hey, I'm used to whole joints. Still, I know to stay away from the junk, Kelly.
Screwy World
I have spent the past two days wondering what I did wrong, I really thought it was Me and My messed up life taking hold again. Then I remember Josh, one of the Kids on the job, saying They just went with the concrete. Holy Crap! Here I am pulling My hair out thinking I am a total screw up and can't figure a cut in roof to save My life and all it is is that the Owners Son said let's just go with the slab. Hell, I have rafters hanging off the building by nearly three inches in one spot. I have been scratching My head until it bled, joking, and it was'nt Me? Holy Crap! I was even attempting to have the big Boss show up Tomorrow to point Me in the right direction. Damn it Man! This just goes to show You Folks out there that You had better keep an eye on Everybody from the Guy running the shovel all the way to the Fella cleaning the windows at the end. We're all fucked up! I have seen some of the best screw up, but most of Them catch Themselves in time. Damn I hate Carpentry, but I do love it. Kelly.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Today is May 1st, 2114, in one month I will be fifty four years old. In My life I have seen so much different crap that most People would think I am full of Bull. My life is an embarrassing one and that is a fact of life. Hell My own Family screwed with My life. I aint joking when I say that I first felt like killing Myself in grade school either. All I was to My ex-Friends was just a Person to use. I never went out of My way to be Their Friends, They came to Me. I was the kind of Person that would do what ever I could to help these People. Now I will help Folks, but not like I once did. If Someone were to ask Me for a place to live I would be nice when I let Them down. Even in the nineties I was gullible enough to help People out. I let some Fella move in to My apartment, after a few months I came home to find everything of worth, except My guitar, gone. I ran into Him one day too, I sent Dan to shadow Him and I came up behind Him. He heard My footsteps and turned around. He was surprised to see Me that close to Him. I told You about the kick as You walk in, I knew He was about to get His guard up and kicked Him in the femoral artery before He could react. The thing is is that it was the wrong foot for the move because I could'nt take the next step to set it up. My punch was never set up right. He knew He was set up because His face came down just like it was planned and He saw the punch when I threw it without making contact. It taught Me a hell of a lot about how to use a knee next time. After that He saw My backup and tried to walk away. As We were walking I used the same walking kick but in a different way. It was to slow but right about on time at His solar plexus when He blocked it. I was too confident that He would never see it in time being a sneaky kick. As I say I never was a tough Guy. I do know now that I have to use My speed or I will get taken. I made Him look pretyy bad after that. I made Him give Me His watch and necklace, I even told Him to give Me His shoes. That one did'nt work though. I even ran into Him a few years after that. I confronted Him in a Bar as He was walking out, He did'nt even try to back Himself up when I told Him off. All this is said for You to know, I will kick the living crap out of these two without giving Them a fighting chance, Kelly.
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