Monday, April 18, 2011


   I think Richard and Bill think They are at a point where the law can't touch Them. If I was given a gift from generous People, remember I never read the story but They live in luxury now and mess with My miserable life, these two never stold from Me, They stole from anybody giving Me a life. I want the People whos signed checks returned with another signature than Mine, if any, to take these two fools down. It was never received by Me personally. If You are reading this and You were kind hearted enough to help out a slow kid to begin with, then You deserve justice. In the eyes of the law You would be able to take it away from Them faster than I. Possession of stolen property should include money, and any signed check, even co-signed by Hefner would be against the law. Interest should be allowed on this crime as well in My opinion, I would love to see these crooks wind up in jail and then in the streets afterwards, a fitting end I feel. To change the subject for a minute, I would like You to do Me a favor. Go to You tube and look up a couple of guitarist for Me. Green beans and Ice cream, Johnny and Billy are seriously good. The only problem with the two is that Their guitars are bigger than They are. You'll get a kick out of these two, and They can play too. Back to the story. Rick, Jim, David, and John are all brothers. They are known as the Kranz family I knew in Riverton Wyoming. I never put it together until recently, but They all showed up in Austin one day. Soon afterwards Bill Rowley shows up from Douglas Wyoming with three of His freinds. Bill and two of them left right away, the one that stayed was a trash talker. I aint sure but feel Bill and His Pals were gonna do a two step on Me personally and Rick and His brothers surprised Them. Only a couple of minutes left on My allowed time here so I gotta go, do Me a big favor, say a prayor for My plight and hope for the best, prayer I feel works, I have been in some jams and am amazed at how things worked out after talking to the old boy upstairs. Have a blessed day Folks, Kelly McGill. p.s. Take these Assholes down before I find Them and regret it for the rest of My life.

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