Friday, August 10, 2012

Words of wisdom

   I figured I might as well say something People can use tonight. Starting with tidbits of wisdom like, "A Man's got a certain aire about Him.", "Lost without You.", '"Lonlely Boy.", "A Man's got His wits about Him.", "I sure have alot to learn.", "If You had a Man You'd be mature.", "It's a Mans World.", "Stop acting like a Man.", "That old Gentleman grew.", "We can be Men about this.", "Who the Hell would call that mature?", like I said before I got a bunch of 'em. I really do hope My writing does help People, heck I got nothin' better to do I guess. I do have something to work on though, My gut, I weight in at 200 lbs. as of today. When I was in Killeen Texas I was driving a cab for around eight months and got up to 266, I started eating a lot of fruit and drinking water, I lost 20 lbs. quick. Dr. Adkins has the plan, change Your diet, it works too. What I do is eat a nature valley granola bar with a cup of coffee for breakfast and again at break, for lunch I'll buy a salad at the grocery store with a bottle of tea, then just a peice of meat with a vegtable for dinner then go for a walk after an hour, four pounds in one day Folks. If Ya can't tell I'm feelin' pretty good right now, so Ya'll have as great weekend alright? Thanks for reading this at least, Kelly McGill.

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