Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Follow this

   I see I have found some new followers, even though I never seem to accumulate more than 97 or so. But that's alright with Me. Anybody want to buy a truck? I got tired of putting money into the one I bought over a year ago, now I'm in debt for $2,900. if I sell My old one for $1,500. I'll give the carlot $1,000., $5,500. total $2,600. down, it sure is nice to drive something You can take some pride in. The problem I have now is that I am sure I'll get into more trouble and lose it, I'm talking about running into one of these Assholes and Fucking Him up so bad They'll lock Me up for a spell. That does'nt bother Me, it's the thought of losing it all again. One thing I have no doubt They'll take My dumb butt to jail for is drinking, I have'nt had a drink since the Superbowl, I woke up the next morning with a purple ankle and don't remember falling down, that'll straighten Ya out a bit. I quit for a year and a half before, so I know that if I make it through these first months I'll make it all the way. I cannot stress it enough to You youths out there that have never experienced drugs and alcohol, take it from the voice of experience, DON'T START!!! If You never start, You'll never have a problem with them. The word 'problem' really should make You look at it as an Adult, "If it causes You problems then maybe I should'nt try Them", is exactly how a normal brain would look at it, not like the Kids in Americas that think They know better. If I knew the consequences from the get go I would have never allowed these People to attack My life in such a manner. Now, take that and think on it, Kelly.

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