Friday, February 28, 2014
Hello again
Reality. Reality is something I face every time I wake up. I wind up taking a good hard look at Myself when I realize that Nancy is not there with Me and I see Myself still suffering for Her after over thirty years. It may sound insane to You I am sure. I had the chance recently to check My sanity, there is a Fella that walks around town wearing a dress, that tells a Person You are not as bad off as You may think. Well, Tomorrow I sign the lease for My house. I have paid Norm $400. a week for the past two weeks in order to pay off the deposit of $875., I will have to borrow $200. extra in order to pay the$1,400. in full, but that's fine with Me. This will be the first place I have rented in three years. It just goes to show You that it is possible to work Your way out of the streets when You try. The problem most People have is They stay in an area where the jobs are hard to find. Well, I'm out a here. I hope the spring weather will bring joy to the lives of those that get depressed in the winter, I'm looking forward to it Myself, Kelly.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Yes it is nonsense when I go so far out of My way to see justice and nothing is done about it. I even tell You I want to commit Murder and nothing. Again, I speak of such things to get Your attention, but I really do want to take these Punks out that bad.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Not just talk
I have said repeatedly how I want to kill these People, it is not a joke. I admit I will not go seeking Them out and commit a Murder, but I know Myself well enough to say that if I run into one of Them I will start a fight and more then likely beat a piece of dirt to death. I have told You about losing control before and not even remembering what happened. I would much rather have these People brought to justice and see Them sitting in Jail for a spell, but the longer this continues the angrier I become. Persistence pays off, I have seen it first hand. I am known in Texas as a Bastard when I don't get paid. I have a knack for pissing somebody off enough that I will get paid. If it does'nt work by calling the one that owes You till His phone is shut off, call the next Person up the ladder. If that don't work, go even higher. You'll find that one Person that says enough is enough and You will get paid. I have done this a time or two and it worked every time. Thus is the main reason I write and write like I do, it has to work. I insist on bringing these Boys down for the way I was, and being, treated by Them. In My eyes this is a killing offence, and I want something done before I go too far. Sincerely, Kelly McGill.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
7511 pageveiws
I really am pissed off about these People as I say. As of Today I am still seeing or hearing things on T.V. and in the Movies that really bothers Me. Subliminal messages? Is that what I just saw on Lara Croft: Tomb Raider? Right before She does Her acrobatic scene She is looking for some music. She pulls out an album where You can only see the top of it, it is Pink Floyd's Animals album for sure, She then puts it back. This is a direct shot at Me Folks. As I have stated before this all started with that album. Freda came by and asked if I wanted some acid and then I looked on the turntable and found that exact album already set up for Me to listen to. I was so into it that night that I can say without a doubt I was playing the lead while listening to it. I am not a Professional Musician, but I blew Jon Piersons mind while jamming one night, again They had Me tripping on acid that night too. I'll say it here and now, if these People are not brought to justice I am capable of taking a life over this. You do not understand what My life is like and You will never be able to see it with Your mind, and these People created it. And now They fuck with Me? Anger is reality. Kelly John McGill.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Still Kickin'
Yep, I am still here and pissed off. I really do not understand how it is that this Richard Pattison can screw with My life on national television, nor is it easy to believe that He is doing so. And Yes I say this is happening for a fact. I have many regrets in life, and one of them is that I never read that damn Playboy. I am convinced that the People at that party at the Marriott set Me up with a life because I was such an innocent little kid at the age of twenty. People, this really did happen to Me, as I say Johnny Carson was talking about Me. It is a very strange World We live upon, It's crazy to Me how a lot of People just blurt things out and say stuff to Me, it's a game They play, I insist on not joining in. You know, if I would have been left alone in My life I would be living a prosperous productive life instead of being a messed up Human Being. It is disgusting how People treat others, I completely understand how other Lands hate Americans. I Myself will fight to keep this Country a place We can admire, but there are so many rotten Kids here that really need to take a good look at Themselves and see what They are doing before it's too late. The United States of America as it is known is full of good hearted People also, but They seem to be allowing this Pattison and His type do as They please. I tell no joke when I say He and His Pal Bill Rowley set Me up with L.S.D. and Rock & Roll and set My head in another direction then was natural, and yes I was constantly asked if I wanted acid by this Kevin Childers Person, Whom was a Friend of Bill's. I seek only what I deserve here Folks, and I want it bad, justice. Kelly McGill here saying good night.
Monday, February 17, 2014
I am dead serious here when I say that I really do hate some of the People on this Planet. I like My job, but there's this one Kid that I have to work with I can't stand. This Boy actually says shit like, "They don't give away company jackets here for working hard.", the Boy's a Slouch and drags out His time on the clock. I'll say it now if He continues I will say something that will make Him fighting mad. I hire on to do a job and enjoy busting My ass while doing so. I have ran across these types before but I have to say this Kids the worst I have seen as of yet. The problem is is that the rest of the crew aint much better. I have been a Foreman on many different jobs over the years, starting in 1983, and I get there from being one of the baddest Sons a Bitches You'll ever see too. At the age of 53 I might ache a lot, but I can still get after it. I just rented a place, so I don't plan on getting into a fight and losing My job, I'm damn good at putting these type of Kids in Their place without it. I am not the type to suck up payroll, and will work circles around this Boy half My age. Kelly.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
I say unbelievable because that is how I see what is going on. I cannot believe, nor understand, how it is that this Person Richard Pattison is allowed to mess with My life and get away with it. Yes I am angered enough to shoot this Person and I will admit to it. I tell no lie when I say I went to California with killing on My mind. I doubted the possibility of running into this Fella, but I know in My heart that I would have stabbed the Boy. I say this to get Your attention, this Person is a Criminal and needs to be brought to justice. I told You how I turned and headed east from Stockton California instead of continuing on to Wenachie Washington where I was contemplating a murder of this Bill Rowley for His role in Their scheme too. I admit this sounds far fetched, but They purposely set Me up with L.S.D. and altered My life, in My mind that is a killing offence. I have a future if I conduct Myself right and want to see what it holds for Me or I could be tempted to follow through against this Bill Rowley character, People They screwed My life up, and that is enough to drive a Human Being to the edge when You think about how They set Me up. Now They are wealthy and screwing with My life? That My Friends is outrageous! "I demand respect!", and deserve more the I am receiving from these People that laugh at My plight, one They created.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Good news, I finally rented a place of My own. I bought My truck around six months ago and have paid it off, $5,500. paid in full, so now I can move on. This is actually the nicest place I have rented in My life to be honest. It's nothing fancy, but it is decent enough that I would'nt hesitate to bring a Woman home to it. It just goes to show You what a Person can do if They try. Now I need to start saving some money. Without the doping and hanging out in Bars I should be able to save some every month. My dream is to be able to start living a real life. I still am working on the patent for the holster and at the present attempting to make Our first one. After I make a few I want to sell them at gun shows and on the Web. Since I have a lot of Police Officer watching this I'll let You know where to look for them when I am ready to sell them. I am confident You'll want one, it's an easier access then an ankle holster. And seeing as how some forces wear boots it will work just right for You. It is amazing to Me how one day to the next Your life can change, Yesterday I was depressed and Today I feel good. It is just like meeting Nancy, Your life can change in the blink of an eye. I wish You all good health and happiness in Your lives and thank You for reading this. Kelly McGill.
Friday, February 14, 2014
This is not a hoax
I am a real Person on the face of the Earth and I have been victimized. I so badly want justice for the crimes committed against Me. I foresee a future for Me with brightness, as long as abstain from the abusive life I have live for the past thirty plus years. I have mentioned sobriety, well two weekends ago I fell off the wagon. I went to Casper and spent the evening drunk, so drunk I should have wound up in Jail, yes I drove afterwards. But Tonight I refused to go drinking, and on certain days You really want to. Those days are Saint Valentines day and Fathers day, They are cruel days for a Loser like Me. But Hey, I am sitting here as sober as I can be Tonight for a fact. It is a depressing evening to say the least, God bless the broken hearted. As I have done in the past I will do Tonight, this is so depressing I have to quit. Hug Your Loved Ones and be damn glad You're not Me. Sincerely, Kelly McGill.
Monday, February 10, 2014
With liberty and justice for All?
Well? How come these People are'nt in Jail yet? It may just be Nobody gives a damn, or They may be abiding Their time. I am sure it is because I am a Slow Person, and They have some smarts. I do understand that what They are doing on the Television is purely just a misdemeaner, but what They did to My life is a felony. I regret never reading that damn Playboy now. I seriously, if handed some money would have split in into thirds and gave these Assholes Their fair share. I would have eventually saw through what They were doing to My life after a spell and had it out with Them I know now. I can see right through Richard Pattison now. I am convinced that any song I would have written He would have had a plan to copyright it in His name, guaranteed. If I could prove that I was set up with some money I would not hesitate to take these Boys down for stolen property, I am sure it would stick. But without proof? I am spinning My wheels. So Tonight I spread some words around, maybe they'll help out some Kid out there. Like, "This old Boy grew.", "I grew since then.", "You're not Man enough to grow.", "Smart allecky Kid.", "Lonliness will drive You insane.", "If You had a Man You'd be mature.", "Yes I am a Man.", "Stop trying to be a Man.", and "Damn Fool Kid." are some things I learned along the way. Remember one thing Kids, "The mind is a terrible thing to waste.". Kelly McGill.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
What a Jerk!
I just goes to prove I can be a Dipshit, look at what I wrote last night. But hey, I have to be an honest Person so People will understand what has been done to My life. I cannot say it enough how These two People in My past made My life a living Hell. It sure as Hell does'nt help leaving a string of broken hearts behind Me, that in itself screws with Me hard, but to have My best Friend set Me up like They did bothers Me immensely. I am still mind boggled at how these People are allowed to mess with Me on T.V., I have a rough time accepting this seriously. I know Richard Pattison well enough to know He is laughing His ass of at being untouchable. Good God Man!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
The Hell You say!
Do You really want to know how cold hearted I can be? My Mother has incontinence, and I say She deserves it, fact! Incontinence means She craps Her pants without control. I understand that this is mean, but these People are not normal.
Why Me? Is a Kid!
Ya, I understand that all of this bitching about My F'd up life is a Child's way of seeking help, but what else can I do? Go and Kill a Kid? All My life, and I do mean all of it, I have been messed with, and that is a fact. I told You about My Grand Parents giving Me a Puppy, I remember a lot from those years but I do not recall ever playing with My Dog. As I have said, I was told to go out and feed it one day and He tried to attack Me. This was the same year that I crawled up the ladder leaning against the fence and went to the hospital for smacking My head against the ground. What a screwed up Family I have? My Folks have told Me so much crap that I called Their bluff and told the U.S. Marshals that the local prison farm was allowing Rapist to run a muck in town. I have lived a screwy life, but come on? I insist on the fact that I moved here to Riverton Wyoming for one reason alone, I just want one of these People to run into Me.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
I have to say that it is not a normal Person that messes with the life of another. These People think They are as cool as They come to lie and cheat an unsuspecting Child such as Myself. They do not think like normal Men at all, I understand My even saying this is an insult to any Man on Earth, but I must say what needs to be said. I must insist on repeating what I have said in the past here, I had no inclination of being a Musician until I was set up with Acid and Rushes 2112 album. It is proof in My mind that when I was told afterwards that "Richard wants You to join in a Band." that Richard Pattison and Bill Rowley were plotting this whole thing. Drugs just kept coming My way, and now I see Who was behind it. As I have said, even the first time when I was asked to join in a Band They were conveinently absent when I was stoned. This was a planned action People. I again say that when the Playboy was given to Me They had Me so stoned it altered My thinking for the rest of My life, and that is unforgivable. A killing offence if there ever was one! And now They are allowed to mess with My life on the Television? My God!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
What else?
I have a bitch Today, how on Earth are shows like Moonshiners being allowed? Good God Man, They are actually committing felonies on the aire and Nobody stops Them. The Cop on that show must watch the damn thing. I am positive He knows for a fact Who is brewing, He has to see Them on T.V. and They are in His jurisdiction. Just goes to show You what I have been saying, Money talks and Bullshit walks Folks. Next month it will be three solid years that I have kept this up, and nothing is being done about how I am Fucked with on National Television, that is nonsense! I have continuously spilled My gutts on how rotten My life is with no avail, Holy Crap! "It's enough to drive a Man insane.", and that My Freinds is exactly what Richard Pattison wishes to do to My life. I do not exaggerate nor do I lie to Myself, I am wise to the ways of the World, and I am in My right mind to a certain extent. When I say this I do know it will raise questions on My meaning, I am dead serious when I say what They did to My life left a Child with a wandering mind. I am a Victim of a vicious crime and I see no justice so far. I beg and pray that a true Grown up takes a look at this and does something. I really do hate the life I have known People. I wonder at Myself for staying alive for as long as I have. I have in My life been racked so bad by pain that I have fallen to My knees, during that time in My life I picked up My .44 Mag. and the temptation to kill Myself was so intense I got scared and put it away quick. But hey, Nobody cares for a Dumbass anyhow.
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