Wednesday, February 5, 2014


   I have to say that it is not a normal Person that messes with the life of another. These People think They are as cool as They come to lie and cheat an unsuspecting Child such as Myself. They do not think like normal Men at all, I understand My even saying this is an insult to any Man on Earth, but I must say what needs to be said. I must insist on repeating what I have said in the past here, I had no inclination of being a Musician until I was set up with Acid and Rushes 2112 album. It is proof in My mind that when I was told afterwards that "Richard wants You to join in a Band." that Richard Pattison and Bill Rowley were plotting this whole thing. Drugs just kept coming My way, and now I see Who was behind it. As I have said, even the first time when I was asked to join in a Band They were conveinently absent when I was stoned. This was a planned action People. I again say that when the Playboy was given to Me They had Me so stoned it altered My thinking for the rest of My life, and that is unforgivable. A killing offence if there ever was one! And now They are allowed to mess with My life on the Television? My God!

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