Sunday, August 31, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

At least I have a heart and try.

   I did glimpse a brief section at the end of My latest whatever You call it Tonite, when I log in there it is. I really am honest when I say this has an adverse effect on a Persons Life. I as I write am really doing so with a drudgery. Even though, if You can't tell, I get a kick out of being able to write it. Sometimes it may be melodramatic, or even Earnest Hemingway gone off on the computer. But whatever it is that I've discovered on the Web is an outlet for My grief, it sure as Hell don't hurt to get it off My shoulders for damn sure. The Computer? It is so amazing. Well? What else could a Guy with such a screwy Life do? Murder? Oh Hell Kid's I go to Jail if I ran into these Kids and that is a fact. I heard Pattison was in San Francisco but thought just maybe I'd run into Him. Even though, knowing Mr. Pattison and if He is living large I knew He'd be no where around L.A. with Me around if He's got any hint of this Kid talking about Him and just keeping an eye out for Him. For those that are reading this I wish to inform You I do understand My rights as a Human Being in the United States of America. I hurt a Boy that charged Me When I was three years old. A snap kick right under the nose. Bill Rowley charged Me after starting a fight in the same manner when I was twenty, the guitar I used was resting on the ground, My hands were a blur, no shit. I said before, Bill and Richard, along with Ken Scribner, John Guthrie and numerous other, not to mention the Slattery Brothers were there when I stopped Bill Slattery in His tracks after confronting Him over some money. These People knew that I had a defence that I can only explain in simple terms, shock. I played Pitcher for the Wakeham Warriors in the sixties, no shit, and after Who knows maybe My tenth pitch I get a line drive that would have a set Me straight on what a smack in the face is with a real jolt of reality, I caught it right in front of My face. Me? I tossed the ball to the nearest Kid around and told the right Fielder I was now playing out field. These Kids knew I am a Person not to be messed with, and I was a Nineteen year old Baby in reality when They decided it was Their job to alter My life. Why on Earth would You allow such arrogance to be so blatantly strewn about like it was an Adult? Forgive the wind bag tonite.           

Monday, August 25, 2014


   I prefer this method of getting out there. I just read My tweets as They are called, over zealous just a touch. I really just wanted to brag, I personally am going to be the first Wyoming Lottery Winner seeing as We ow have it Here. I have hit with My system all of the numbers just not all in the same line. Wish Me luck for I of all People need it. And I do gratefully  accept any prayers too. You have to admit it to Yourself, any Kid that innocent, so innocent that He becomes lost and hurting bad inside because of the love of a beautiful Woman, beyond His expectations in the first place to boot. Does the Kid deserve a shot? I feel I am decent enough Person to and that is My personal opinion.

Friday, August 22, 2014

I bore You?

   Do You understand that People look the other way and allow People to be hurt? They are People that are either screwy, or They're scared. Where do You fit in? Me? I tried to hit a Guy in the head with a screw driver after He raped a Friend of Mine. I told You about it. When We went down the road that He was seen running He pulled out and gunned it seeing Us. We knew the area there was only one road, this was Him. He picked up speed the whole distance too. I'd hate to guess the speed He was going over a football field later when I was  about ten feet from His bumper and still standing there in the middle of the street like it was nothing. Hey, I have two Witnesses to prove that I did side step His ass and hit the window at temple height, that part is My word alone being so close. I jumped from a stand still from the middle of a narrow two lane . I was flying backwards too. Hey! I can, do and will back Folks up in the World if need be. Just do the same for those that deserve. All I ask is for the proper growth to be induced in America, Kid's like this Pattison would be run over by Adults. Now is as an important time as any ever seen before in the eyes of Man, any Man, for You to get Your act together and see what in the Hell is actually going on. Now is not Tomorrow.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blue collar Fool.

   In My Life I continue to be astounded with My opportunities. I am standing there and talking to The Foreman on the Crew when the Owner of the Company drives up. We are looking at a project that I Myself Fucked up, a big one yet small. To elaborate We are working on a roof I Myself have never rough cut before nor had the Bosses on the Job. I cut it on a 3/12 roof pitch and fit 'er in. I had to meet  People at the job I was finishing that day and left after lunch or I would have saw I was in the wrong soon and fixed it. That left the second in command for the Company and another damn good Carpenter to figure out what in the Hell I just did. After I came back Yesterday We were spinning. George said go to the other end, and even mentioned how I was out  of plump too. It is a mind bender until You set it on the walls right, then You say O.K. because of the simplicity. To a Carpenter out there I have these words of wisdom. If You have a roof on a 3/12 pitch with a four foot overhang? Just look at it as a floor system with a four foot canterlever. Then set it on a rake and You got it. Four days. Finally the Foreman running the job figured it out after We had ran one full area. It was luckily an easy fix at a small cost. My last job before the one prior to this I cut in a roof with six different roof pitches, I still have the blueprints. Normally there are drawings that are for specific areas to help the Tradesmen, We get kinda disconboobuliated quite often. I even explained what We had been up too to the Boss and He still out in front of Everybody there that He wanted Me as His Boss over all jobs. After He left I pulled Marty, Georges Brother Our Foreman, over to the side. After I told Him that I consider Him the Boss He told to go for it. That is a serious job for a Dummy. Hell, I am telling You all of this to show that I am not a complete Moron. Around fifth or sixth in command for a general contractor is impressive. But I know My real job, to be around when Guys are screwing off, I'll be good at it too. His payroll is getting too high and He said He is getting to that point. Sad thing about the situation is that George has the Labor and They have a way of stretching out breaks and lunch, I'll keep a serious eye on it too. Bonuses are earned.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A different veiw from one to the next.

   I just glanced at what I wrote last night and was reminded of others in My recent past that have been leaning towards very outrageous. The thing is, they came back as I looked at it. I had been thinking about some of the things I say, but remember one thing, I admitted before that I read Them later and find Them offensive Myself quite often. Hey! The truth is, Happy Hour can create a Monster. If I go drinking I live within walking distance to all the Bars in this Town. Some? A serious walk, but a Cab home is around ten bucks. Happy Hour? Yep. Ya stop off to at least get to know People, sitting at Home is what drives 'em knutts. And the way that modern People mingle in society is what People accept, Me? I were a Dummy to an extent. Grown! Me? Hell, "If You need to ask Nobodies gonna tell You!"......... Damn!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Hey, You want'a buy some acid?"

 Me being asked is serious too Me Personally. I was pretty stoned when this Playboy was handed to Me. I really Was awake for Friday, Saturday, and half a Day on Sunday. Even Monday, when I know now that I was being messed with, I could feel the effects at Work all day. You do not allow this to happen. A Fact is a serious matter and I speak of one. Without, I say again, the affidavits from those hiding in Their past I have not a lick of proof. Damn. I live. I hate it but I do. Suicide right now? No There's too much crap to see at this point in American History to run off and not see if I can't lend a hand toward defending the righteous innocent involved without Their consent. Yes, it is a cruel thing to look at. But truly imagine living in a War torn area.  With death ambient daily I would be as an American wanting to, You can read My thoughts I am sure. Another Patriot from within a Land has spoken! Hey, that does not say I want to go off on Our own. It would be ugly if some People could achieve Their agenda. That is what I fear. If They started Today, 2114, 9:45 Here, We'd be toast. The Cities are sitting Ducks. If You are an easy going Person , the Type that would run, just get the Hell to the rear. I sure as Hell would leave any City I were in if Violence were running at the scale of an all out War. Do You want Them to Kill You? No You do not. You are not the front line Human at this point in Your Life. Pull back and fight another Day. And Any Human Being on the face of the Planet known as Earth goes around trying to Kill the type of Humans I speak of in little story here? If You really need to ask?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

2000 and what?

    I am at a loss at what I really had to blab about, by the time the engine gets warm it's too late to remember, "Old Fucker!", Yea I be gettin' there. Do You really want to see how a retarded spaced out Kid is? My whole plan when I logged on was thought out no less than twice. I was going to be  Radical about America being overrun due to Our easy way. Hey that's a fault. You are too easy to just say, "I'm nice.", which is so lovable about America. But Hey! They are Here to Kill!!!!

Hate Crimes?

    Again I am here talking about the World and the future We are approaching, Monday on the 17th day of August in the year of two thousand and fourteen, in which I always have to remember what year it is due to My life style. I choose to do the drugs, Yes, I have repeatedly sentenced Myself to that agreement, agreed. The facts being as They are presented to each and Everyone of Us are as plain as a Man's face. And when I say Man, if You even ask Your Youth is shown in Your innocence. A fact is a known Adult reliance on They're witness to the presence of Another Grown Human, what I am saying You will understand as , when two People connect on a certain level. When You understand exactly that You both understood it is a lesson in Life. It's a Goofy World and I was a suck ass one to say the least, Hell, it was , not trying to just say something about Nancy, but that was in the late Summer of 1982. That has some attachments known as pain too it. I think of what We stare at daily. Get Your heads straight, Now. We stole this Country and now She needs defended. Facts are facts. My fact is that I writing this. And I do see the real Kelly McGill. I am a lost broken hearted Fool with a question for Hugh Hefner Himself. would You Sir please take a Lie detector test asking if I am real. Hugh? I have a picture My Mom wanted taken that fall in thee exact western white shirt I wore on My Night of glory to prove to any of those that I am thee Child that wandered into a party at the Marriott, Hey I'm real. You Folks saw that Kid. He was as green as grass in a seed's seed. HEY!

Friday, August 15, 2014

When Someone commits a Crime?

  To all of You out there. If this has'nt been a plea for help there never was one  before. If You can look at this and call Me a Liar, Sir I am offended. The innocence in America is astounding, of course I actually felt like a Boy even writing this part, the first time through, We talk like Children. We carry on as if We're Kool. Kool? Wow! that is enough to connect generation gaps there. Kid's cool is from the fifties I believe. Even Your oldest People here say cool Today, Cool. To the World, cool, means all right. For example, all of the World grew the Fuck up at once. Impossible I know, but what if? I have witnessed the change in People when They see Full Grown People, all You need to do is really look at Them, They will let You know. Hard times are nothing new. Your Elders Today have seen more Shit than You and I wish to see. But if We sit and watch, Holy shit is going to hit Us hard. I have talked about Our situation, I am worried Myself. I know and respect a lot of the older Generation Mexicans, from Here and Mexico, even Their Chamaco's b muy mature. I look at it like this, You kick Somebodies ass out of Their own Country? I am talking to American's I am not? You too would be so pissed off looking at this fantastic place while You suffer. American history is a brutal fact. Hey! Look at the present and seek the future. It's easy to see into the next realm with what is becoming a stepping stone for Us. Hey! Again! As far as Mexico goes I really do hope They're Our Allies in this fight for Our Lives We face. And if You scoff at My words, look around Son. How Many People do You know Personally that really need to be shot? As America in a whole? I hope to Hell the message gets through, this War We face will make You Grown Ups or it will kill You. I joke not when say when I say that the F.B.I. knows Me Personally. Right after the attacks on New York and D.C.  I wrote a three or four page letter telling Them what My thoughts were. I was asked to open said package too. It t'wer'nt no Bomb. Hell I hate Kid's too but I would'nt go out of My way to shoot 'em or something insane like like. Normal? No I be long from it. At fifty four I'm still a Kid. T'wer'nt nothin', just My Frickin' life.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I am here

    "Here I sit all broken hearted", Yep, that's what it's about. I want out of this misery I call My life is a major portion of the origin of this long letter. I was sentenced to a life of heartache for sure. But what happened between some Women in My past and being lost and being set up with enough acid to fuck with Your mind are topics of a real difference. "Lost?", that one is tough to break down. A feeling like You don't really know what to do, You really can't control Your life as an Adult should, You hurt constantly, Sleep? Boy's and Girl's I know what I am saying. And I refuse to lie about any of it. "White Lies.", They're still lies. I have some pride left in a beaten body I have to be an honest Person. These People are not seen in a Man's eye as Adults. It is rude and childish for a fact. I  wonder about the sense of the People in America with what They are allowing. Do You completely understand that We are being invaded by an Enemy of Their choice? Meaning They are bringing to You.  Why? We're wide open for one and easy pickings to Them, plus American Children are let loose too much. Any sensible Man needs not an explanation. Give a poor Bastard a shot/ If I thought I were undeserving of a decent life I would have taken My own life years ago. In Laymen's terms, This is Bullshit to allow Richard Pattison and Bill Rowley to get away with such Garbage. And that is a fact!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What is possible

   What I have to say is about My life in the past three years. I did go to Santa Monica and live in a tent with the hopes of running into this Richard Pattison. Then I wound up in jail in Cheyenne for four months. Finally found work in Dakota and wound up back in Wyoming where I am at the present. I told You I was to be the project Manager, I did'nt know what I was. I was and still am the Superintendent for the general Contractor. Our finish date was last Friday. I had everything going smooth until the Contractor sent a Kid from Casper to do the job. It took Him three days to do a one day job. We did pass inspection Friday but needed one more thing before We'd receive a final approval and it was waiting on that inspection. By ten thirty Monday morning when the Inspector left We had Our final. One Kid can screw everything up for You just like that. This morning I said I need a day off, I am finished after two working days. The thing is I did all the punch list, which was mainly cosmetic, and had started on it before I even got the official list in My hands. Being the Boss I walked around with the Gal that wrote it. As soon as She left I was working on it. I told Her Yesterday I was ready for Her final walk. We'll see how that goes before I am complete. This company has'nt had a Man turn in a Job on time for a few years. His Daughters house where I started in December I have also been setting interior doors and doing trim out. As matter of fact the Bosses Son just called, so much for a day off, He wants the last three doors hung Today. What I want to stress here is that if People got out of the areas where the work is sparse it can be a turn around. When I was in Dakota though the paper read that a Homeless Guy was arrested in Williston right after getting there just for being Homeless, even when You try People take You down because They can. Mister I was given a set of plans and a one dollar raise when I started My project. I was given a dollar raise two weeks straight. It was'nt My first Foreman job, but a first at being the Boss over the whole thing. I now understand a little bit about other trades. Oh well huh? Time to get back after it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wow !!!!

   Here I am, a Human Being on the face of the Earth. And yet I Myself as melodramatic Tonight. Children would scoff at this and say I am being a Drama Queen. Well Bitch if the shoes fits! BaHaHaHaHa! Hey! I am just a Soul on the Planet that was a lost one from the beggining. I have never in My life felt so down to Earth. I am what I am, a lost Person. If You doubt My words I invite You to meet Me in Person, I can and will prove no less than a spaced Kid. If You were to meet Me You would understand. I am not trying to run some Jamaican scam or any other type of crap. I even said where I sent My info to those Folks. I was that close to losing it right there, accepting Them. Hell, I thought that if I played along to the finish I just might, just maybe, They'll be real. I had never heard of Their scam though. I was contacted by American Officials that I see are in Authority though, that those Folks are indeed Money Launderer's. What the Hell though, I'll send 'em a nice little note every now and again telling Them We're not interested. So Hey, I am not seeking anything but the respect of another Human Being. And Anybody after found dead reading this, because? You'd rather not help a lost Kid. Don't worry about Me, I aint askin' for nothin'. Charlie Daniels says it best. And yes the last few sentences were rough to read, and I wrote 'em!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Joe Pantalones

   To the serious People out there let Me first apologize for My crudeness, I have done this a time or two, being rude that is. Even in the beginning Tonight I come out as a Smart Alleck Kid My own self, Yes in fact I am showing My Youth. But God damn it I got Everyone of You beat and I'd win enough bets to prove it too. Tomorrow is the deadline of the Job I am Supervising. We finally had the ceiling tile release on last Friday. I managed to bring in two People extra to cut borders that Morning, after Saturday with another hand volunteering We had three major rooms finished. Then My help for the job fell short on Monday and I had this week to find a solution. Hey! I went to work in the manner I am used to, hard. My Boss would back Me if I told Him I needed the help to prove it. I did three full classrooms on Monday by Myself. On Tuesday My best Hand showed up and We finished a few little rooms and hung a sliding door that took some time. John is good at having to go somewhere all the time and when He showed up late from lunch I watched His shock at how much was done. If not for My just saying watch this and knocking the fuck out of it I can say for a fact I would have cost My Company $1,000. a day in penalties after Tomorrow. I am a serious Person, and I have a list of things for Tomorrow and the weekend that will be done before the final list hits My desk, I was in on the walk, I already know what's on it. Our finish of the day, this day,  We cleared a serious amount of punch out items off the final list by being there doing things as the walk went on. We even had an issue in which Overhead Doors, the City inspector, the electrical Companies Owner, the Foreman for the alarm company and Myself were wondering why Our alarm activated doors were not closing right. By the end of the Day? Well We are at Home.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shit Stinks!

   Man Oh Man! What a week! I was released with a bunch of Ceilings ready for tile and Nobody to do it with but Me, Damn, this Fool went to Work. Work in which I'd not be guessing when I say that nearly all of You reading this have never experienced. I am to be 100% done by Friday, here it is Monday and My Crew falters and does'nt show up. I did one of the toughest rooms, due to the layout of the floor, and two others plus. That was on Monday. Tuesday I had My best Help along in the morning and We accomplished a huge part of some punch out work. He had something He had to attend and I kicked it in the ass when He was gone too. He was visibly shocked when He saw what I had finished when He walked in. I have until Friday to be really really close to being finished, I might make it by doing that and then giving the job a major pick up. If there is any doubt about My being an actual Human Being with this life, I can prove that I am the head Cheese on My job. I am the Superintendent, that in itself is a statement that deserves respect. After Tomorrow We'll see how tight of a walk We have to endure, I see all of the blemishes, I just hope some are acceptable. It's a tight ass job when They say You have a little over two months to do what every other General Contractor said was impossible, and now I am down to the smallest items on My list before a walk through. This Company I work for is real bad about soaking up the hours, meaning They rarely go under the time limit. I should be at the most, if Her list is tough, a week over budget. But like I say I just now was allowed to put in the ceiling tile. The other issues? We ironed 'em out. I just have to say these things so that You will be able to see a Human Being here as He is. I am not the Brightest Crayon in the box,  but I still able to live a productive Life. I speak of how I was destroyed? I would have been better off without knowing these People and that's fact, but still, it was a deliberate set up by these People. I insist on it to the point that I admit to being angered enough to take a Life. I am a competent enough of a Person to see through the Bull shit People. Kelly.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Been gone I see.

   Thought I had a Bug, damn thing kept saying something about My plug. Back up and bitchin'. Hell Yea I'm pissed off about this crap, the proof that They screw with some Kid in the first place is astounding. Any Kid that would walk away from a Gal like Nancy is in total shock. Any Child that would stand with His jaw dropped and stare at Sheila Griffin from Her head all the way to Her neck, both Gal's with bulging eyes and I tell no lie. I as a Human Being demand respect. Damn cruel son of a Bitch known as the World?