Friday, August 22, 2014

I bore You?

   Do You understand that People look the other way and allow People to be hurt? They are People that are either screwy, or They're scared. Where do You fit in? Me? I tried to hit a Guy in the head with a screw driver after He raped a Friend of Mine. I told You about it. When We went down the road that He was seen running He pulled out and gunned it seeing Us. We knew the area there was only one road, this was Him. He picked up speed the whole distance too. I'd hate to guess the speed He was going over a football field later when I was  about ten feet from His bumper and still standing there in the middle of the street like it was nothing. Hey, I have two Witnesses to prove that I did side step His ass and hit the window at temple height, that part is My word alone being so close. I jumped from a stand still from the middle of a narrow two lane . I was flying backwards too. Hey! I can, do and will back Folks up in the World if need be. Just do the same for those that deserve. All I ask is for the proper growth to be induced in America, Kid's like this Pattison would be run over by Adults. Now is as an important time as any ever seen before in the eyes of Man, any Man, for You to get Your act together and see what in the Hell is actually going on. Now is not Tomorrow.

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