Wednesday, May 25, 2011


   What's with this Guy? He won't quit! Make Him stop! Well Ya can't, I hope at least. Hey I am a Millionaire! Well that's what My spam keeps telling Me. You wanta know what I do? I contact the ones back that don't blatantly say it's a crime to mess with Them in return. I also turn Them in. I have contacted the British Law, Interpol, and the Military due to one stating They were in Iraq and stole some moey and will give Me some to help Them bring it home. The Military says They are not real Soldiers, just more crooks laundering money. Bah! I mess with the messers.Take that Ya crook. Anybody ever been through an Earthquake, to change the subject, well I have in 1972. And I know what a tremor feels like, I swear the ground around here has been shifting slightly. I say this to wake up a few Calfornians around Santa Monica. If You go down on Main street and visit O'breins, stop outside and look to the north and then look up at the wall there. I am a Journeyman carpenter, I know when a wall is out of place. This on is about foot or more out of whack and a good quake might let Her fall. There are also many retaining walls around the area that I feel are dangerous to be around in a quake. Hell the wall where I sleep will more than likely tumble when the ground shakes. With that I will resign for the day by saying fairwell to all, what a Joker aye, C-Ya later bye, Kelly

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