Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgement day?

   Everybody's talking about some prediction coming true today. It just might, I am having worse luck than normal. Here I am standing there waiting to eat and some Guy starts talking all kinds of trash, I've spoken to Him before and He seemed normal but, Wow! Then I open My E-mails and am told by Interpol that a Person They arrested is carrying money that is supposed to be Mine and if I don't come up with the proper paper work saying it is I am being charged with money laundering, again, Wow! To top it off I entered a Publishers clearing house E-mail and They start texting Me, and when I check My pre paid minutes it went from 62 to 2 awfully fast. Hell I have less than $30. on My G.R. left and some Asshole wants to clean Me out on My little bit of minutes,Wow! Well maybe Chicken Little was right, "The sky is falling!", and it is falling all around Me. At least I ate today and I am still walking up right Huh? I am fuming sitting here and thinking about My minutes, what right do You have to text Me and make Me pay for it when I never asked for it in the first Goddam way. Mother Fucker I am sick of life and really want to end the Son of a Bitch and a day like today comes along. I am at a point I am gonna vent on You just for reading this peice of shit, That's Kelly McGill 204 Hampton, Venice, California, 90291. Get Me the Hell out of here please. You thunk this is a joke, I am fighting mad. and all I see in My spam is more of these Assholes saying,"Here, take Our money. Oh Yea, send Us some first.". What did I do to deserve such a up life. I really hate the World today, if I wind up in Prison just for opening an E-mail, Holy Christ! So Fuck You and Fuck the World is how I get treated and I have never really done anything to justify the life I live. I got it, Kids go on and get Fucked up in life. What the Hell? Ya only live once, might as well fry Your brain while You're here. Send Me a dollar is where I am, change a life. I put it in writing here and now, I WILL NOT SPEND IT ON DRUGS AND ALCOHOL. Dammitt

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