Tuesday, May 3, 2011


   "That Guy can cuss!", is probably what alot of People said yesterday, no wonder I steadily lose followers. I gain new ones everyday, but still the number is always lower then it should be. McGill vs. Pattison is what the court docket should say, I know for sure if He was in court and My Lawyer asked Him to submit to a truth serum He would balk. If it were Me as the Lawyer I would then ask what it is that He is hiding, if You are a liar You would deny it. If You were an honest person having nothing to hide You would press charges on the Person accusing You for false accusations, where are the charges? I text messaged Jon Peirson telling Him to look at this, so I can gaurantee Richard and Bill Rowley are reading it. Hey! Great news Folks, it aint a job but I do have an interveiw for a good job on thursday, wish Me luck would You, I need it. Andrea Davidson is Someone I want You to look up if You like music, I have'nt seen Her in a while, but the Gal puts on a great show. That's what I'm about, listening to great singers when possible, check Her out. Oh yea, hey Richard? If Ya are reading this, You're a frickin' Jerk Pal. Did You tell Hugh about Your Queer freind? Yea I was at that party, I went outside and never returned when You and Him started dancing that night. Sure there was a Girl on the floor too, but it seemed a bit weird to Me. Besides Jon says They think You've done some bi-sexual things in the past. Ya Freak! Call Me sometime Pal, We'll do lunch, Right before You get Your ass kicked hard You Punk ass Son of a Bitch. Kelly.

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