Saturday, April 21, 2012

A disgrace to America

   Yes I feel that Richard Pattison is a disgrace to this country. Myself? I have to admit I'm not much better being a Person that drinks too much and used dope. I am finished with the drug abuse though, and My drinking has definately been curbed. I used to drink at least a case of beer everyday, easily. Now I am refraining from any at all. When I say this Pattison is a disgrace, I mean look at the way He jokes with My life. On national T.V. even. That sounds made up, but it is a fact. Yes I was sleeping in the woods around Wells Branch in Austin Texas, and while playing the guitar a Fella comes into the woods yelling, "Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!", I sure became silent. Then on the Simpons Homer is looking for Marge, He goes around yelling, "Marge! Marge! Marge! or is that Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!", He goes on by saying, "Oh, I wanted the Magilla Gorilla!". This in itself has Me angered People. As I stated in the title, a disgarce to America. And alot of Kids think it's funny too. There are sometings a Man just won't do People, and one of them is allowing this to go unjusted. Take these Mother Fuckers down before I commit murder! Dammitt Man!

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