Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hello again

   My name is known now, there's no doubt, and My plight is also known. I sure as all get up hope that You People don't think of Me as a Liar. When I speak I speak only truth. This week has been Monday all week long, and Today I thought it aint worth going on with. The first thought that came to mind when I thought about giving up was how much money I had in My pocket, I had enough to make it to Washington for damn sure too. If You think for a second that I will forgive such a mean act You are mistaken. The fact is, I really want to finish what I started by moving to the streets of Santa Monica. Good God People, They deliberately set out to fry My mind, and came close to succeeding too.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I am real Folks

   This one goes out too the screwed up People that allow Richard Pattison to be an Ass.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

No foul words Tonite, I hope.

   This has nothing to do with these People messing Me up and then screwing with My life, what I want to talk about Tonight is what is going on in the Grown up World around Us. Yes it is real. I am seeing where Our first black President is bringing in the youth of Mexico, Why? I have My own opinion. There are so many scenarios unfolding in front of Us. One is that They are bringing in future Warriors for another Country, another that They are bringing in future Warriors of another Country to kill Them before They grow to really hate Us. That is how real My thoughts are about it. It is easy to see that I watch the World and speculate what is happening in Today's World, and I sure as Hell hope that the future I see We are heading to never exists. If I were in charge? And this is looking at the health of America's future, I would scare You. We are on the brink of either destruction or revolution, those of Us that see the end may just be being born Today. As for Kelly McGill? I am all for a cleansing of a Country that has fucked Herself up. Hey get the fuck out of the danger zones. Excuse the French.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Crazy shit

   When I say crazy shit I am talking about how these People are, They're knutts to do what They do. Myself? Hell I've told You how bizarre My life has been. Honesty is a great thing to be able to have on My side, it makes Me feel good inside to know that I am not a Liar. I hate the way People are around Me. I hear Them say things where I can hear Them but not quite to My face, and You wonder why the World dislikes You? "Kelly weird.", I heard quite a bit at the disc golf course I played at in Austin. It sounds weird to Me that You would say such a thing too. At the Bar I frequent I can hear Them say, "He's strange.", People do not underestimate Me. I am a non violent Person but if I am pushed to the brink I could kill You easily without even thinking about My actions. I am keeping My senses about Me when it comes to this Richard Pattison and Bill Rowley enough that I am not going on the hunt for Their lives. Again I say this in order for You to see how mad I am about this whole affair. And if You think I am playing a game You are sadly mistaken.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Take a good look

   I am a Victim here dammit! I want no more than any Human on Earth, justice. The saddest part of being a Human, especially in America it seems, is that People don't give a damn. "That's the trouble with Kid's now a days, They just don't give a damn.", reality.


   Here I am as an honest Bastard?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The real Kelly McGill

  Here I am sitting at the Rocky Mountain, My local bar, and some Kid wants to talk to Me. I saw Her walk in with two Male Peoples. The next thing I know is that I am accosted by Her Herself, after Her Friends left Her alone. I was unable to hear Her and I moved a Bar stool closer. After some time of listening to a lost conversation a Gentleman walks up and asks if He can sit next to His Wife. The People involved?  I again say that I am non violent Person, but holy crap I wanted to fight so bad I was shaking. The best I could do was to warn the Bar. I will admit though that I wanted the violence head on too. I sat there and said out lud what I thought of Her, which is Knutts. I am an honest S.O.B. and I cannot explain it any plainer. If I were a hard Ass? I would have challenged these People straight out. What I did was to tell Them out loud in an abnormal manner to go fuck Themselves. I admit it is unusual too. These People though are unusual to Me though, even though it is considered Normal. Grow the Fuck up.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Ten veiws a day?

  If all I can achieve is ten People a day looking at this crud then I am doing good. People I am a Heart breaker, and that sucks. Ask Nancy or Sheila either one and You'd receive the same answer, "Kelly could'nt do a thing.". I hate to put it quotation marks due to the fact that I have never heard Them say these word, but I feel these Two more than You could understand. I suck at being a Human and that's a fact for damn sure, but I sure as Hell did not need the help of My close Friends to set Me up with a mind altering. Good Gravy!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

10002 looks?

   I wanted to so badly to be a Kid when I hit this number, proof reading I wonder about what I just wrote. The facts are, I have actually matured in the past three years. I understand that it may not show to You, but I see the difference. For one, and this was not thought out, Bill Rowley lives. People, I am a messed up life in reality. The only thing I do having going for Me is My ability to bust My ass. Without mistakes I have been moved up in some serious Companies too. Don St. Germains is a small one except in southern Cals. eyes. But Merick Bros. is a National Company. I messed up with each of these and a few others too, but They are the most powerful I can think of. I now see an opportunity to advance beyond Employees with vast experience compared to Myself, That oughta piss 'em off, We'll see. No Bull from this Kid though, I will push the Kid known as Myself. What follows is whatever They accept. In short, They hate it when a fresh face comes aboard and gets promoted. I push as lightly as a Nun too.

Kelly McGill

   I have tried to the point of absurdness on this. What is the problem with taking these People down? This Richard Pattison finds My life to be a joke, no Man would do such a thing, and no Man would allow it. I know My Family would have Me committed if I were acting like They do, it is not normal to do what He does. I am the Victim here, not the Boy that set out to mess up a Human life. I want justice so bad I hate what it has done to My life, I have to write about it too find a means of d taking these Boy's down and that is pathetic.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pure hatred

   Hatred is a feeling that can drive a Person over the edge, I have yet to feel enough of it too totalaly lose control but I feel My anger boiling to a point I don't like.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mature Smature!

  Man Sman! Dammit. I have one thing going for Me in My life, My ability to turn heads. As I said I am now making $2.00 an hour more than two weeks ago. That in itself speaks for itself. I have been, as I have said before, the Foreman since I was twenty three. I hope the age is right. I am now fifty five and running a job for a General Contractor, My first. The difference is, You need to know it all. I feel like a Rookie out there. I am dumb founded quite often when asked questions that I know nothing about. My reasoning behind this is that I am not a total Dummy, Retardation is part of Everybody's life. I see it in Others quite often Myself. What gives a Person a right to screw with a slow Person? You have no right in actuality, a fact is a fact. Grown Smrown Dammit!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Damn Kd Anyhow!

   Unbelievable is that I have earned a one dollar raise in each of the last two weeks.  Today when I called in time I was told that I am now making $18. an hour. The saddest part is that I was regretting Life minutes before. Hey Kid!!! Never give up!!!! We'll see what the future hold aye? Don't laugh at the plight of Others, and remember to keep it cool without the use of hard drugs, for real. Kelly.

I am Human.

   What I have to say Tonight should in actuality cause a War. "Remember the Alamo!". Sirs, We have thee most disturbing Children on the face of the Earth. Look at Your actions Kiddos. Of course the Majority are no Killers and such, which makes Them acceptable. But Hey! There are those that want You dead for Your Lives being what They are. What I mean is, They hate You for being the Bastards Ya are! Which in Laymen's terms means that They are out to take Us down for just being American's, fact. In My mind They are Idiots.  And that My Friends is a fact of Life that You, not Me need to grow into. America? Today? We are being overrun!. And I am being tacky by even saying that People like this Richard are the cause.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

"Here I sit all broken hearted!"

   Do You really want to know Me personally? Well Here I am. I have as of Tonight named a number of drinks. I had People getting involved at the Bar too. A screwdriver is an effective way to catch a buzz. They have screwdriver Fridays where I go. Well, why not a phillips head. or a torques head. The Electric screw driver? A.K.A. the Screwgun. I even asked Jessi one of the Bartenders about that one and She knew the recipe. I came up with the one with a mixture of Champayne, if spelled right. The idea is that the screwdriver stays the same with a slash of this and that. A Mexican screwdriver obviously has tequila or a Jalepeno involved. A British Screwdriver? Make Your own recipes. I stick to beer, but the possibilties.

An official complaint

 Geico? "A Loner's got too stay a Loser." He says just before He rides off on a Horse. Leaving Her on Her knees in pain. This after I have told of My Life doing just exactly that in Public in the year of 1982. Forgive Me Nancy for losing My mind. You are fact of Life has has My hands shaking while I write. These People think that Her pain is a joke by doing this. I find no humor in such matters. This Person I hurt is an Adult and that is known as a fact of Life, if You insult Her You insult every Mature Human on Earth. That is a disgusting display of Childish, and just flat out mean, immature thing You could do. You have no respect and are indecent in Your actions. "Can't Ya tell? the Boy's love struck.". "You insult Grown Men.", "And then They expect to be called Grown.", "The Kid can shave, now He's a Man.", Hell I know al  sorts a sayings ment to change Children in America for a few years. I want these Boy's as bad as It sounds. A.S. Marshal a new would know of Me. The one I met in Cheyenne Wyoming I told straight to Him, 'Would You believe Me if I said I was being messed with on the Television?', His response was, "If You tell Me so.". I am not joking about any of this nonsense. This is a Coward to do the things He does. An example is in order, and I goal in My scheme here is to do just that. If this Kid wants to be a Public figure in this manner then I must do what I can to expose who this rotten Child is. My Life is a disfuntional on to begin with in life, a Child such as this? Richard knows all too well to never see Me again, and now He has insulted the Woman I hurt bad. You are a disgrace Mr. Pattison! "And I use the term Mr. loosly.". You are no sort of Gentleman to dishonor Her feelings in this commercial You laugh with. I have said enough. This Person personally, Richard Pattison. Born in 1960 in the same Hospital I was in that same year, Riverton Memorial Hospital was tore down Years back now. I think I'm only a week are so older then this Child. He went through His Junior year in the Riverton Wyoming, Fremont County school district #25. Me and Richard would be in three years books together and I never met Him until the Summer of Our Senior year. He ran away from Home because His Dad was'nt very proud of Him by the way He was treated. One argument was that Richard was'nt allowed to get a Drivers licence. Me? I'm the one that should have been told no. Had more speeding tickets than I can recall before I graduated High School. And working at Pizza Hut You knew by word of mouth where the Keggers were. What  a Bum this Pattison is, a Dirty Rat.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


   Hey I am here and I am real. In actuality I typing faster than ever Tonite due to My being on the web so much, But that has no bearing on this subject. My name is Kelly John McGill, with a mick at the beginning of MickGill, I was born in 1960 so They say. If You were to check the hospital record from I believe 1962 in Lander Wyoming You will find a report of a two year old falling and landing on His noggen. If You were to follow through and look at live T.V. with Craig Furguson and Johnny Carson, You will see strange People saying things out loud. I cannot prove the Playboy, it being an item I cannot produce. I cannot even prove that I walked into the Marriott Hotel in Austin Texas in 1980. All I really can prove is that Sheila would back Me up. I know Sheila Griffin well enough though that She would stand in a court of law and tell You straight to Your face that I stood with a dropped jaw and looked at Her from Her toes all the way to Her neck, again the door blocked My view of Her face or We would have been married, Sheila had love in Her eyes Folks.  I ate My life. Shit like this is My life. GODDAMIT THIS HURTS!!!!!! Here I am a lost Loser and Lonely, that is My life. What I seek is more than obvious. And Sheila if You ever read this I really have to sa this for You. Hey Kid. I do love You. You understand more than a lot of People how a Person can lose control. If You knew how that rips Me apart. You really sent a Kid sprawling. I am crying so bad while I write this I am so near to breking down hard. You People that think I make this shit up I say to Yo, I widh to fuck You could feel My pain. Please help out a retarded Kid type right now it hurts so bad.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Que Onda?

   I am at wonder. Are the Mexicans here to help or defeat Us. Here I am talking just Tonite with a Mexican. As soon as He said ,"No Habla.", and I saw the look in His eye I knew better. I told one of Their Sons that I know quite well that I believe They are Here to help America, I did'nt receive a shocked response either. So watch Your own asses Kids.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Great Googilly Moogilly!

   I cuss to wake You up, are You awake yet? In actuality i really don't feel like cussing Tonight so the title says it all. I really hate life Tonight Folks, You allow this Person to mess with Me? Grown People do nothing of the sort. It's just like when I worked the Cheyenne frontier days a few years back, I went to jail for doing nothing. It took Me reading the Police report and showing it to the appointed Attorney that I supposedly kicked Her twice before I was set free. Kids like to make Your life hard because They have yet to grow into Adults, Yes I refer to Richard Pattison personally. It is absurd, and unbelievable, that He is allowed to commit such an outrageous crime and get away with it. The main reason I did'nt continue to Wenachie Washington and cut Bill Rowley's throat is that He was just a peg in Richards game, the fact is that if I were to see Richard I would go looking for a lethal weapon, and no Man would blame Me. Good People do not do what He does and that is a fact.

A real Man?

   I use a question mark for a purpose. "I'm a Man.", is an easy thing to say. You stand up for Yourself, Yes that is considered Manly. You treat People with decency? Yes that is mature. You stand up for the slow Folk, Hell yes that's mature. So stand up Boy. A Man is a Man and I do not use quotation marks this time. I see Myself in My own realm and do not need to be told about Grown Men and Women. I understand that I am showing My Youth even saying such a thing, but I do so to open Your eyes. Stand up for what You believe, and I believe in justice. How long has this been going on? Hell since 2011 if I remember right. I state facts when I say that there is not an Adult on the face of the Planet that would back up this Richard Pattison and His Friends, if You think I am being childish on this You need to back up a bit, I am a Victim.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


   One problem I have in life is watching You People allow these Kid's do what They do. Do You understand that the whole Fricking World is wondering about Our idiocricty? If I spelt that right. I want You to know Richard a bit here. He is a game player. Anybody that would say the words, "When You think of People They think of You.", is'nt sane to begin with. And You really need to know that on the same evening I was set up with Mushroom spores before He said this to Me. I do remember Ralph McMillan saying, "That's all I could find.", that night. I insist on telling You that I never once while all of this was going went looking for any L.S.D. and that is honesty Folks. This Boy named Richard Pattison is a Kid that would be the kind of Child that if given power would be the one to screw with a life less fortunate because He's Gullible. I would'nt doubt if He'd say to think of Him and think of abnormal thoughts, I know Him well enough to say I would swear on it. Richard is not normal, and a fact is that You do not allow those type of People to win.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I am real

   Hey, My actual name is Kelly, and yes I was Bullied all My life. I can hear Them say now, "Well stand up for Yourself.". Kenny Roger's song comes to mind here, for I am the type that walk away until the shit hits the fan. So? When I say I am being Bullied on national television I speak the truth Folks. Yes I am a lost soul without a prayer. "I sold My soul for Rock & Roll.", I am sure Bill Rowley would quote, He's good at stuff like that, but I never seeked out any type of music in My life that would alter My thinking. "It's not a laughing matter.", and that's a fact.

Read this!

   A real Life? Hey! I live a real God Damn life Mother Fucker! Again I cuss to wake Your silly asses up. Get a Life! Shut up! Are You listening yet? If You are not scared of being an American in the year 2114 You are a Fool Yourself. We stole this Country years ago and now We are being introduced to how it feels. The People in America stand back and watch, You're innocence is astounding. Other lands are taking over and We stand back and watch. I Myself do not want a War like We are looking at, but They do. Daily We are intruded upon. Can You sit back and watch? The thing You need to look at is They will kill You without regret. I looked at it a few years back and told Myself if I really wanted to piss Somebody off I'd kill Their Children. Not only would it tick You off, but You take away future Warriors. Wake the Fuck up dammit.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Is He in His right mind?

   Hell no I aint in My right mind! If I were I'd be a married Man. But I at least see reality. Proof being in last night. Here I talking to an elderly Lady Who's Son in law I know pretty good. The next thing I know She's telling Me about some Guy across the Bar that has been threatening Her. Lucky for Me Her Nephew was there. I went over to Him and told Him and He questioned the old Boy about it. It was'nt long after that when I Myself questioned Him too. Turns out She's losing it. That in itself is a sad thing to see. I look at People daily and see the difference between Me and normal People, and seeing something like that really makes a Guy take a look at Himself. People, when I say I had all of this crap happen to My life I see it with an eye as honest as can be. I completely understand how You could look at Me and wonder if I am honest or not, it's pretty bizarre I'd say. "The Meek shall inherit the Earth.", is not only a saying, it is a verse on the album 2112 by Rush, I await My inheritance. Justice will be Mine.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


    I told You about smacking this Bill Rowley Kid with His own guitar, I scare Myself when I see how fast I really move at times too. I say the truth when I say that after realizing what They did to My life that I wish I had a baseball bat in My hands at the time. I would have went to prison for Man slaughter for sure, but He's be dead I would have no remorse. The facts are that these two and Their Pals did a mean thing by doing what They did. Anybody that purposely sets out to mess with another Humans life is a seriously screwed up Individual. It really bothers the Hell out of Me that They even did this to Me, and now They have the guts to screw with My life in the manner in which They do? Insanity! Again I must start from the beginning. Remember how I was asked to join in a Band and had no clue on how to be a Musician either. That is an outrage to set up a slow Kid that was a bit gullible. I really don't want to be a Person that complains, but life is a mean Son of a Bitch to Me. I am glad that I have People reading this. Have a great Sunday Folks, Kelly.

Friday, July 11, 2014


   Well here I am trying My damndest. Two faces is what this Richard Pattison and His Pal Bill Rowley have. Me? You see Me straight out Folks. "Honesty is a virtue.", and I believe in it whole heartedly. As I said a Cop told Me once, "If You are'nt Honest You are'nt worth a shit." He either said aint or are'nt I'm not quite sure because that was around 1983, but He hit the nail on the head for sure. Speaking of nails I have'nt bent very many lately. It sure is nice being able to sit back and watch the job. When You work like Me You'll screw something up before You know what hit You. I have heard it before and will again that Guys that work fast will screw stuff up and it is the truth. " Skatin' ", is what You call it when People try to avoid work, I hate it too but I gotta do it so I jump right in and get it on. I can hear Jon Pierson saying something about the job I did in the Woodlands North of Houston. I would'nt put much stock in what Donny Sandige may have told Him, I'm sure He said I was stretching the job out to keep it going. I did try to get Him to have My Carpenter and Me finish the punch out on the job, mainly I was trying to save the Company some money. Donny Sandige? I've known Him since 1980, not well but I knew Him. I went to Port Arthur Texas to sub contract a job from this Guy, I arrived on time too. I was told He already had Someone doing the job but He needed help on another job. Being broke I was stuck. I never really got mad at the time either. I wound up sleeping in My truck for a couple months on the job while watching His wood that He supplied. Crooked? I'd say He is. Even Rowdy, the Framing Superintendent hated the way He finagled money from His subs. The moral of the story Kids is that You can't even trust People You've known for over thirty years.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Will My luck ever change?

    I am a born Loser and that is a fact of life. Here I sit with a broken heart, I am messed up because of My Pals, and I really hate My life. Hell, I could'nt even get Someone to send Me a Frickin' dollar. And two days ago while walking down the hall at work I almost fell down due to the pain that shot through the back of My knee, I hope I just pulled a tendon. I have been wrapping it with an Ace bandage since then too. I did'nt wear it this afternoon, and when I pulled My socks off after work Tonight I see My shin area is swollen. I looked it up on the internet and hope to hell it has nothing to do with My heart or something. I don't play games with You People, I really do not want to continue with this life. It's crap like this that depresses Me. I have had opportunities in My life that still boggle My mind. Love at first sight is was Sheila experienced, Nancy made Me so blinded by Her love I wandered for years afterwards, and I tell no fables when I say that the most beautiful face on the Planet belongs to a Gal that snuck up behind Me and placed Her breast right in the middle of My back. I hurt so bad inside right now seeing what has taken place in My sorry life. If I ever did wind up being a Winner I would probably have a heart attack from the shock. Hell of a life aint it?

Last night?

   I definitely had a good buzz going on last night, You can tell by what I wrote. Son of a gun I get a bit radical don't I? Well I'm still here and bitchin' about this Pattison Kid, Christ that gripes My ass what He did. Yes I was set up as I say Folks, and Yes I walked into a party at the Marriott Hotel in Austin Texas when it was at the 290 I35 crossing. I have no reason to lie to You about any of this. Really all I want is to see these Boy's suffer like They never have before. They have records so clean You could eat of them that's for sure, but They are guilty as sin. The way They mess with Me now? Good God Man!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Youth.

   "Goddamn Kid!", "Just another Kid.", "Fuck You! That's exactly what I want You too do to Me!", Hell Kid I paid attention. But Today? Keep Your guns at hand. We are being overrun because the Government wants it, honesty is involved. They have let this Land become overrun with People that want Us dead just because We have better Lives then Them, which is an absurdity. These People think We put Them down, most Americans realize what is actually going on in the World as far as the Americans having it pretty easy compared to Their Lives. Look at it this way, We have Our Ghettos, but still They have plumbing. The World is in a fix, and it has to change. The main problem is that We are the lucky Bastards. Kill Them all and let God sort 'em out is upon Us! Holy Shit! And in My opinion Richard Pattison is the type of Person They hate. I say that last part sincerely, Kelly.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I am honest

   How on Earth do these People get away with what it is that They are doing? It is irresponsible to say the least. , Kelly McGill, swear on any level acceptable to You that I speak the honest to God's truth. I am in serious jeopardy of losing it all. I feel like ending My life so many times during a years span it is hard to believe I continue living. I am sure many of You out there have never felt depression, let alone want to kill Yourselves. Again I continue to say things like this to get Your interest, I see no other alternative. I said before, "I don't want Your sympathy.", but I do want You pissed off about the whole damn thing. In honesty, I hate the Youth of Today, but what do You do? I say I am not the one that would go off and shoot up a School and that is a fact, but I really do have anger issues that I contend with. It's really sad to say I was pushed in My Home so hard I wanted to kill Myself in the fifth grade, I could take You to the exact spot where I first felt it too. I feel now that maybe that's the reason I walk through the World with this pain. Lord, I ask You for a favor, please let this be worth it, You know I'm worth it. And Thank You Folks for reading My story, Kelly.

Monday, July 7, 2014

All in

   Here I am sitting looking through Facebook when I get a message from an old Friend. This Kid was around back when all this acid stuff started. The thing is He's the kind that would have said to knock it off, plus He was quite a few years younger so He would have never knew about Them that well. This reminds Me of how this Bill Rowley Kid is. I had'nt seen the Boy in years and wound up in Douglas Wyoming around 1984. We were talking at a party and He said, "I here Your Sister is Hosing David Kranz.", I can say for sure that Bill has never had Anybody else in His lifetime get as pissed off as I was then, I say again I am non violent, most People would have struck Him. All I really could do was to say,'That's My Sister!', finally His Wife at the time got pissed off and that calmed Me down. These People are crude People to say the least. In saying that I see how crude I am too. But again I must say that I would never purposely go out of My way to fry some retarded Kids mind. No I am not that retarded, but I am a slow Son of a Bitch, which is retardation.

My last few posts?

   I do go back and read what it is that I saying, the ones I put out there last night? Whoa! I really don't want to sound like a Cooke, but if I keep that kind of crap up? I really do want the trust of any listening, if not I would'nt be so blatantly honest. Yes, I live a screwy life, and Yes I hate it. There is not too many of You out there that can relate to this next part, Daily, when I wake up, I contemplate suicide, and that is a fact. When I realize that Nancy is not there beside Me I hate life. They say that People kill Themselves to rid the pain? I understand completely. I can go on saying these People did this to My life, without People giving a damn I see that, but Goddamn it People They did this to a Kid that They knew was slow. I plead for the help I'll never receive, and I know it sounds like a broken record too. I want justice!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Pig Man, Big Man!

   If You have never heard Pink Floyd's Animals that is a verse. Tonight? I am sitting in My local hangout, the Rocky Mountain, when a Girl sits down with Her Friend. This Kid is drunk enough to cause trouble too. The next thing I know is that She's bugging Me about this and that. After She asked what I am up too I mentioned 'staying out of Jail'. Mistake. I really don't need to say how that went. She actually moved He chair away from Me. The point is, Her Girlfriend later introduced Me to one of Their Friend's, because I was nice about it all. That in itself explains My luck, Kelly.

Me being Me

   I said I have a lot of Cops watching Me. Sirs, I am the one that tells You how it is when it comes to it. I have flat out told Cops that I were to see Them being shot at I would run over the Sucker doing so. And even a Woman can help You if She does it right. If I were to see a Cop taking a beating I'd stop in the middle of the road and stop Everybody, I may not be able to beat the Person doing the ass whooping, but I'll have help. I see a lot of crap where some Cop goes off and takes out His anger on the internet, I hope to Hell it stops. I was being processed in Austin once, probably for forgetting about a ticket again, when A Cop lsammed some Black Dude against the counter. They were both screaming and the Cop kept telling Him to, "Shut up or I'll break Your Fucking arm!", after around the fourth time He said it I told the Guy, 'Shut up and maybe He'll leave You alone.', all was quiet after that. I understand that Your job is tougher then most of Us will ever realize and that a lot of Us make it harder, just keep Your cool Boy's. the way it's going Today in America We need to stick together.

The Ugly World We live upon

   I have to insist on telling You about these People messing My life up. I know what They are saying is, "We never gave Him any drugs!", or, Nobody forced Him to take the drugs.". And the facts are no They speak the truth in that aspect. Of course I was set up so I had to buy the acid so Everybody would look innocent. The thing is, I was set up with the LS.D. in the first place. The acid They gave Me was four way window pane on the night I was handed the Playboy. I am surprised at My ability to keep My sanity from all that transpired that weekend. The sad thing is is that I will never take Them down, or so it seems at this point, but I know how and what these Characters did to My life. If there has ever been a reason to hunt down a Human Being this is one. "Richard Pattison, Killeen Texas!", My ass.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

At a loss.

    Yes I am at a loss. How does one go about bringing down sinister People? I have been doing this so long You have to think I'm knutts. Well at least I am an honest Person. It is an outrage to say the least. These People have the ability to do whatever They want and Nobody is doing a damn thing about it. Absurd! You and I both know that They have left a cyber trail, if I were computer literate enough I would find where They are on the web and see how They react to My finding it. Remember, I was in the woods near Pflugerville just north of Austin when a Fella came into the woods yelling My name, how else would He know exactly who had a tent pitched back in where I was. If His Girlfriend would have turned around She would have seen Me, I just sat down and kept quiet. It would be hard to find a green tent in the thick brush I was in and I was soon left alone. You People really need to understand how I feel about this, it would be so easy to commit a Murder after what They did to My life. I am still nothing but an innocent Kid to tell the truth, and Hell I'm fifty four years old. Give a damn, it's a Grown Up thing.

I refuse to give up

   I am a Loser there's no doubt about it, but I sure as Hell did not deserve to have these People do what They did to My life. And now They are allowed to mess with My life? Goddam this pisses Me off. Somebody had better take Me serious.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Must I expailn?

   Men are mature, fact. Women are Normal, that is a given. I am a Dork. Hello! Most People won't even read this Tonight, in fact I am Normal in the eyes of America Today. There is'nt a Mother Fucker out there, and I mean a Mother Fucker, that does'nt know how I feel.I want to make Them see. How obvious is that? Most Children of America is blind, so far. WAKE THE FUCK UP! Tyler Perry's cool cause of some white bread? Let Me straiten Ya'll out, and yes I do talk like that, Hey!

The 4th of July, 2014?

  You know? I try harder to come up with a proper title everyday. I truly want to sound Mature, but yet Youth attainable. I am not kidding when I say this, last night when I clocked in, I was sent to a page that still blows My mine. Twitter, put Me back on the please. I was in a state of uncertainness, and called it a game. Which is what I call anything involved with messing with My life. Adults do not screw with the Lives of others and that is fact. Last night? Hey, before i went to scribbling on here I went to a Friends house and smoked some weed. After a while, and I mean a period of showing such innocence beyond Your grasp, I was asked if I wanted to really party. Glenn is from a crew on the job and He wanted to now if I'd like to take some Fat Girls to the Mountains. Myself? I really don't like being put into such situations. I was asked if I were a Coward. Again I turned the other cheek. Of course He never struck the first one. I have told You about smoking that damn pot, I have hit the pipe a few times recently. But I can count the times on one hand in the past six months for damn sure. Just because I don't want to be stuck out in the mountains with People that can turn into Folks You don't want to be around? As I say though, I was talking as innocent as a Teenager and that is a fact. I say that I see the difference between young and old, I see Myself when I am a Greenhorn. The saddest part is that I am fifty four years old. My great Nephew is a Coward in the making, I told His Dad that if He has.nt changed by His Teens? Boxing! Kid's, You do not to live a Life such as Mine. Get a grip on Yourselves before it's too late. Dammit all!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

9508?????? Holy Crap!!!!???? This guy's for real.

   People th itle itself had Me writing with a way in which I could have continued o n with the same feeling I have while writing this story about My pathetic life, "I don't want Your pity,", is an older saying then this life writing this life down. In fact I have thought for a while down to print this Bullshit and and see what the Fuck? I f I sold it. Hell Mother Fuckers out there I am a real Human Fucking Human Being. Most of You out there would be able to type and send so fast while writing on the Web as I do, Myself? Hay, It aint easy for Me. I was just now thinking I could just type and show You what I actually write before I proof read the Crap. Hey!!!!!! I am real Kid! These People actually think They can get away with doing this to a Life. Facts are facts and They are screwing with this Kid. Adults! I have yet in My Lifetime had the experience to be a Fully Grown Adult, and that is a Fact of life. But I sure as Hell have seen some Grown up Feelings that are known as Full Grown People. Look at this World and the insanity known as 2014. A Fact is a Fact, We are being overrun as a whole. Everyday We are approached by People, Accost is the proper word, meaning approached. Bah! that show Meeself there and Me Irish. Meaning approached? Well? That's what I did to Nancy, I accosted Her. On that night I saw some Kid sitting there and in a crowded, and I mean one bizzy , bizzy, bizzy, Bar. The Dallas night club in Austin Texas has been the known hot spot, meat Market, $.69 longnecks on Wednesday for over thirty years. The motto on Wednesday is "Wine Me dine Me, 69 cent Might Me." Sixty night cent longnecks until eleven. Shit!  I walked bck in to the same Bar the very next Wednesday with the thoughts I'd see Her again. That's how Fucking lost this Little Kid has been in His life. Hey I walked into that Bar for I really don't realize the term of, fact. I am known as Kelly McGill, and say for a fact I have n]been wronged, and if You are amused You had better do some soul searching as it's called and take a good hard look at Yourself and
d the World around You. I'd hate to call it Ambience, I feel I may have the word correct. My Life? Holy shit! "Life's a Bitch, and then Ya marry One!", Aint Mine for damn sure. Hell I ran from the most Beautiful Women on Earth, I would run faster if She were a Knothead. Kelly McGill Here signing off. Oh Yea? "When the Hell did You grow up?"

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"Kelly's a Fool!"

  I can hear Richard Pattison saying the words that I am a Fool and thinking it's cool. Cool? In the first place no Man thinks it's cool. I Myself say cool too much, but hey that's the way of the World, mocking each other. Such s the same when They say just smile about a Person, I Fucking hate a Son of a Bitch that smiles about My life. Do You People understand that Kids go off on You because You think You're smarter than most? Seriously! Get a grip on reality before it's too late. War is Hell Folks, and People hate Americans due to Their attitude. And allowing People like this Richard Pattison, Bill Rowley, Tyler Perry, Craig Furguson and this Kid that draws the "Simpsons", is absurd. I will stand up for America, but if I witnessed one of these People being murdered I would contemplate applause.