Monday, September 23, 2013

What the Hell?

   What in the Hell does it take to win? I would'nt know, I have always been a Loser. So? Come on! You do have to admit that if You had a slow Child You would fight to the death to help that Child. I have some bad news Folks, seriously, My nephew Clint's Son has been diagnosed as Autistic, go figure. That has too be one of the worst feelings a Man can feel. It runs in the Family though, You'd think We'd be used to it right? Life sucks when You can see how slow You actually are, as I do, but that's alright, "They're just Dummies!",. I say it here and now, if You said that in front of Me about My great Nephew I'd beat You to death without remorse. You might say that I am just talking, don't count on it, I would lose it on an Asshole for saying that about a five year old Child. Hey! We are slow People because We are born that way. All I want is justice! Good Gravy Man! Kelly.

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