Friday, July 22, 2011

Kelly McGill

   I have to start here by saying I am sorry for putting this on facebook. You have to understand that I am in a fight for My life. Anybody who has'nt read My story please do, and I must state here that I am not insane. Mr. Rowley keeps contacting Me and saying I don't know what I am saying, and to quit living in the past. Mad? You better gaodamn beleive it. He even says He does'nt even know Freda Mares when I know damn good and well He does. I keep mentioning a Playboy that was handed to Me, People I was awake two and a half days that weekend. They waited  twenty four hours after I was asked to do the acid before They gave Me the dang thing. It is awfully convenient that Bill Rowley nor Richard Pattison were around when I was asked to do acid many times. Again I am not insane just a little messed up, I would be a goner if I would have done the ether I was offered on the same weekend as the Playboy was handed to Me. I do apologize for the rudeness of putting this on My wall, But You have to understand how bad I want justice. I really want to go after these two for Their antics involving My life. Kelly McGill. p.s. I know for a fact They are guilty.

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