Thursday, August 30, 2012

30 years later

   Damn My luck all to Hell anyhow. You know it's been almost to the day thirty years since I fell head over heels in love with a Woman I cannot be with. One that left Me so devestated that I cannot even try to talk to another Woman. There is a saying about losing the true love of Your life and not wanting Anybody else. There's also another, "Can't You tell? The Boy's love struck.", that one sums it up just right. I am truly surprised that I'm not crying Myself to sleep tonight, for the pain is nearly unbearable most of the time. All I want to say tonight is this, Nancy sweetheart, if You happen to read this, I want You to know and understand that I am so deeply in love with You and that I never intentionally broke Your heart. I was shocked so bad that I could do nothing about the fate of Our lives. You if Anybody should understand that, I witnessed You in a state inwhich You were out of control too. You truly have a big heart to be so loving towards an innocent Kid such as Myself, for I know that is what You saw standing in front of You with a puzzled look on My face after looking into those beautiful eyes of Yours. I sincerely love You and send My best wishes for You in Your life. With this said I will end for the evening, Kelly.

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