Friday, March 29, 2013


Richard Pattisons sons name is Richard the 2nd, most People just call Him Little Dick. Man I'd hate My Dad, I hate His Dad. I am telling You, this two faced S.O.B. has Everybody charmed. I know Richie pretty good, I can't remember if I mentioned the time We clubbed to death around a hundred Carp swimming in The shallows, this Guy is as smooth as They come Folks. I can say for a fact that Hugh and Richard hit it right off and Pals like those stick together. Again I know I sound like a dime store novel, meaning I stretch the truth, but I am still in a tail spin after what has taken place in My desolate life. Self pity? You know I feel more pain when I think of what it would have done to a Gal. At this period of time I know there is still enough proof out there to prove what has happened, for one Sheila Griffin is now Mrs. Hansen and is located on facebook too. You know that one hurts pretty good too, All I have ever done is cause Her pain because of this bad habit of Mine known as losing control of My senses. I tell You folks now, you young People beginning Your lives, heading towards Parenthood for the majority of You, be very protective of You toddlers head, for real. I mentioned, years back, that I saw a ladder and crawled up it. It was sticking up over the fence far enough that when I reached the top I went head first into the ground. Last thing I remember was My Pal Jeff telling Me not to do it as I started to crawl up it, the next thing I remember is My Aunt Linda telling Me that I almost drowned in the small ditch on the other side. As I said before the Lander hospital would have a record of My visit back in '62, I was two years old. I am positive this has everything to due with a majority of My life skill deficancies. When it comes to true love, it blows You the fuck away. I call 'em as I see 'em! Nancy? You are a true Woman I can see this, I had a feeling soon after falling in love with You, there's a saying I have heard before about such things, "You're the kind of Person that I feel I've known for all My life.", Goddam love! That's how I feel about it. Well? You a Fat Ass like Me? I'm workin' real hard on that crap. You all have a wonderful evening and get in shape, really! C-Ya, Kelly.

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