Thursday, May 8, 2014

Euless Texas

   In the year of 1997 I was living in Euless, and pert near totally insane. No shit. I had so much anger in Me that I had a real rage problem. Somebody would do something wrong on the highway and I would catch up to Them and try to get Them to fight. I hated life worse then many of You would understand. "Everything happens for a reason.", and I feel that is the reason I kept from going to Washington and cutting this Bill Rowley's throat for Him. If I were as mad at the World as I was then He would have been buried. I was so out of control I wasted money because it was so easy to make at the time. I even spent $5,000. in a weekend smoking crack. I told You about going to Jacksboro for a year. I went to court after one of My binges so wasted I was damn lucky the Judge did'nt see Me. I went out of the Courtroom and was sitting when My Lawyer came out and told Me He had moved the court date. I know for a fact that Judge would have put Me in the Loony bin. Sharon Wilson does not play around in Tarrant county. Today? I am a lot happier than I was then, I told You that I actually cried everyday for a year, Nancy was on My mind hard. I look back at that point in My life and I am seriously surprised I am alive too, Kelly.

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